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  1.     General Index       (Page 1 of 3)    ■╔═══════════════════╦═══════════════════╗■║ PrintCADD-3D      ║ Mdfy Menu         ║■║ Registration      ║ Vars Menu         ║■║ Order Form        ║ Zoom Menu         ║■║ Address / Phone   ║ Rdrw Menu         ║■║ Menu Navigation   ║ View Menu         ║■║ User Input        ║ Wndw Menu         ║■║ Commands          ║ UCS Menu          ║■║ Draw Menu         ║ Touchup Menu      ║■║ File Menu         ║ PrintEd Menu      ║■║ Line Menu         ║ Output Menu       ║■║ Curv Menu         ║ System Menu       ║■║ Text Menu         ║ Help Menu         ║■║ Dims Menu         ║ Installation      ║■║ Grup Menu         ║ Future Trends     ║■║ Surf Menu         ║ Disclaimer        ║■║ Colr Menu         ║ Trademarks        ║■║ Layr Menu         ║ Addendums         ║■╚═══════════════════╩═══════════════════╝■  «Index»   «PgUp»   «PgDn»   «Escape»   $    Topic Index         (Page 2 of 3)    ■╔═══════════════════╦═══════════════════╗■║ ASCII Table       ║ Polar Coordinates ║■║ Automatic Sizing  ║ Print Drivers     ║■║ Cursor Speed      ║ Printing          ║■║ Cursor Style      ║ Problems\Solutions║■║ Drawing Files     ║ Prompt Symbols    ║■║ Error Codes       ║ RAM Disks         ║■║ Extrusions        ║ Right Hand Rule   ║■║ File Types        ║ Scaled Output     ║■║ Font Files        ║ Snaps\Locks       ║■║ Grids             ║ Surfaces          ║■║ Hidden Line       ║ Tips & Techniques ║■║ Limits Area       ║ Tutor System      ║■║ Macros            ║ Units of Measure  ║■║ Maximums          ║ User Coordinates  ║■║ Parts             ║ Viewing Angle     ║■║ Perspective       ║ Versions          ║■║ Plotting          ║ Zooms and Pans    ║■╚═══════════════════╩═══════════════════╝■  «Index»   «PgUp»   «PgDn»   «Escape»   $     User Index         (Page 3 of 3)    ■╔═══════════════════╦═══════════════════╗■║ User 1, 1         ║ User 2, 1         ║■║ User 1, 2         ║ User 2, 2         ║■║ User 1, 3         ║ User 2, 3         ║■║ User 1, 4         ║ User 2, 4         ║■║ User 1, 5         ║ User 2, 5         ║■║ User 1, 6         ║ User 2, 6         ║■║ User 1, 7         ║ User 2, 7         ║■║ User 1, 8         ║ User 2, 8         ║■║ User 1, 9         ║ User 2, 9         ║■║ User 1, 10        ║ User 2, 10        ║■║ User 1, 11        ║ User 2, 11        ║■║ User 1, 12        ║ User 2, 12        ║■║ User 1, 13        ║ User 2, 13        ║■║ User 1, 14        ║ User 2, 14        ║■║ User 1, 15        ║ User 2, 15        ║■║ User 1, 16        ║ User 2, 16        ║■║ User 1, 17        ║ User 2, 17        ║■╚═══════════════════╩═══════════════════╝■  «Index»   «PgUp»   «PgDn»   «Escape»   $          About PrintCADD-3D     (Pg 4)  ■╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗■║            PrintCADD-3D               ║■║   (C) 1991 Birdseye Enterprises Ltd.  ║■╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝■           ┌─────┐                       ■       ┌───┴─┐   │               (R)     ■     ──│     │o  │──────────────────     ■       │ ┌───┴╨┐ │  Association of       ■       │ │     │─┘  Shareware            ■       └─│  o  │    Professionals        ■     ────│  ║  │────────────────────     ■         └──╨──┘    MEMBER               ■                                         ■ To register via American Express, Visa  ■ MasterCard or Discover call the Public  ■ software Library at:                    ■       U.S.A.    ->  800-242-4PsL        ■       Overseas  ->  713-524-6394        ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■  (Index)   (PgUp)   (PgDn)   (Escape)   $            * Registration *     (Pg 5)  ■=========================================■                                         ■Fax - 713-524-6398                       ■Compuserve - 71355,470                   ■                                         ■Or fill out Charge Card Registration form■and send to:                             ■                                         ■Public software Library                  ■P.O. Box 35705                           ■Houston, Texas                           ■77235-5705                               ■                                         ■Important !! - The previous numbers were ■for registration only.  For support or   ■information about status of shipment,    ■volume discounts, returns, etc., call    ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■                                         ■            * Registration *     (Pg 6)  ■=========================================■                                         ■Birdseye Enterprises Ltd. at:            ■                                         ■Phone - (403) 484-3540                   ■Fax   - (403) 484-1103                   ■Compuserve - 76150,3364                  ■                                         ■or write:                                ■                                         ■Box 73,  10060 - 156 St                  ■Edmonton, Alberta, Canada                ■T5P 2P8                                  ■                                         ■To order by mail, use the forms that are ■supplied on the following pages.  Turn to■each page and press "F3" to print.       ■                                         ■-----------------------------------------■lΓ )Ä«Và┴"NlC ┴â; ⁿHQTÇ┤Ω╤pñq╞ÿ░ΘlΓ ⁿY          * Charge Card Form *           ■=========================================■                                         ■I would like to order a registered       ■version of PrintCADD 3-D from the Public ■software Library.                        ■-----------------------------------------■Payment of $75.00 ($80.00 overseas) by:  ■                                         ■M.C. ( ) Visa ( ) AMEX ( ) Discover ( )  ■                                         ■Card #: ________________________________ ■                                         ■Expiry Date: Month _______ Year ________ ■                                         ■Signature: _____________________________ ■-----------------------------------------■Disk Size:                               ■                                         ■360K ( )  720K ( )  1.2M ( )  1.44M ( )  ■            ⁿVΦ@ü"┌@ΦdΘƒzNjKH╞à{Gδ«-----------------------------------------■Send PrintCADD 3-D to (Your Address):    ■                                         ■Name:        ____________________________■                                         ■Address:     ____________________________■                                         ■City, State: ____________________________■                                         ■Zip Code:    ____________________________■                                         ■Phone #:     ____________________________■                                         ■-----------------------------------------■Send this order form to:                 ■      Public software Library (PsL)      ■      P.O. box 35705                     ■      Houston, Texas                     ■      77235-5705                         ■-----------------------------------------■½@∙╞ÿ évü╞ÿ╦₧T╬&à ⁿñâJ$~gK┐@tσ£iÅ ⁿ     * Cheque or Money Orders Form *     ■=========================================■I would like to order PrintCADD 3-D from ■Birdseye Enterprises Ltd.                ■-----------------------------------------■Registered Version:       (  )           ■Includes Manual, Support and complete 9  ■disk set (360K) without reminder screens ■$75.00 USA  $85.00 Can (Includes GST)    ■Add $5.00 S&H Overseas orders only       ■-----------------------------------------■Evaluation Pack:          (  )           ■Includes complete 9 disk set (360K) with ■reminder screens  $12.50 USA  $15.00 Can ■Add $3.00 S&H Oversea orders only        ■-----------------------------------------■360K ( ) 1.2 Meg ( ) 720K ( ) 1.4 Meg ( )■-----------------------------------------■Name:        ____________________________■                                         ■µñ┤î ╣σLΓhP₧ñ? ⁿVΦ@Ü4½ ƒ ⁿσDÇ₧á₧ ⁿ┤Address:     ____________________________■                                         ■City, State: ____________________________■                                         ■Zip Code:    ____________________________■                                         ■Phone #:     ____________________________■-----------------------------------------■Send this order form to:                 ■      Birdseye Enterprises Ltd.          ■      Box 73, 10060 - 156 Street         ■      Edmonton, Alberta, Canada          ■      T5P 2P8                            ■-----------------------------------------■Note: Personal cheques take a minimum of ■      two weeks to clear so allow more   ■      time for delivery.                 ■                                         ■                                         ■-----------------------------------------■₧Pë«Qp╣&«j₧╗iüp╞Φld┐ ⁿµñΦH└·ßÜαc▄ΓÜl            * Registration *     (Pg 11) ■=========================================■                                         ■When you register your software, you will■receive:                                 ■                                         ■1) Manual                                ■                                         ■This well designed manual takes the      ■mystery out of 3-D drafting with it's    ■many illustrations and complete command  ■reference.  It is laser printed, indexed ■and employs a plastic binding that allows■it to lay flat during use.               ■                                         ■All of the illustrations were created    ■using PrintCADD 3-D and exported to      ■WordPerfect(TM).                         ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■
  2. Näñé@·ñ╛d, √τ╤v╬░∙÷Γùδ½ñ? ▓ñHC₧P√ΦdΘ            * Registration *     (Pg 12) ■=========================================■                                         ■2) Disk Set                              ■                                         ■This 9 disk set (360K) has 7 different   ■versions of PrintCADD 3-D, allowing the  ■user to take advantage of L.I.M. memory, ■math co-processors and the advanced      ■instruction sets found on 286, 386 and   ■486 computers.  It also contains the help■system, tutorial system, sample drawings,■fonts, manual on disk, parts and drivers.■See "Versions" in help "Topics" index.   ■                                         ■3) 1/2 hour free support                 ■                                         ■4) Removal of registration reminder      ■                                         ■--------->  End Registration  <----------■9╧≤╧τ9Ö   ! ! !                 ≡       ■           * Menu Navigation *   (Pg 13) ■=========================================■                                         ■Mouse:                                   ■-----------------------------------------■Move the mouse cursor so that the tip of ■the arrow rests on the menu item.  Press ■"MLB" (mouse left button).  This causes  ■the highlight bar to jump to the item.   ■Once the menu item is selected, press    ■"MLB" once again to invoke the item.     ■                                         ■Press "MRB" (mouse right button) to drop ■down one menu level                      ■                                         ■Selecting the top or bottom item in a    ■"list" type menu causes the list to      ■scroll one half page up or down.         ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■               ≡├ π                      ■           * Menu Navigation *   (Pg 14) ■=========================================■                                         ■Arrow keys:                              ■-----------------------------------------■Use the arrow keys to move the highlight ■bar.  Once the menu item is highlighted, ■press "Enter" to invoke the selected     ■item.                                    ■                                         ■"Esc" (escape) key:                      ■-----------------------------------------■Use this key to drop down one menu level.■In certain instances, it may be necessary■to select "Exit" in order to drop one    ■menu level.                              ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■                                         ■           * Menu Navigation *   (Pg 15) ■=========================================■                                         ■Alt F, Alt E, Alt O, Alt S, Alt H keys:  ■-----------------------------------------■Hold down the "Alt" key and press one of ■"F", "E", "O", "S" or "H" to go directly ■to the "File", "Edit", "Output", "System"■or "Help" menus respectively.            ■                                         ■Capitalized menu letters:                ■-----------------------------------------■Pressing a letter that corresponds to a  ■capitalized letter in the menu item      ■causes that menu item to be selected AND ■invoked.                                 ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■                                        ■           * Menu Navigation *   (Pg 16) ■=========================================■                                         ■"F1" key:                                ■-----------------------------------------■Press this key at any time (except while ■in help or tutor) to invoke help.        ■                                         ■"F2" key:                                ■-----------------------------------------■Press this key at any time (except while ■in help or tutor) to invoke the tutor.   ■                                         ■"F3" and "F4" Keys:                      ■-----------------------------------------■Press "F3" at any time to start macro    ■recording.  Press "F4" at any time to    ■play back macros.                        ■                                         ■-------->  End Menu Navigation  <--------■             * User Input *      (Pg 17) ■=========================================■                                         ■PrintCADD 3-D requires the user to convey■numeric values, type in text and indicate■points in the drawing.  PrintCADD 3-D    ■terminates all prompts with a symbol that■indicates the nature of the information  ■that is required.                        ■                                         ■-----------------------------------------■Terminator | Value required by software  ■-----------------------------------------■Equal    = | A typed in number or length ■Greater  > | Typed in text               ■At       @ | A selected coordinate       ■Approx.  ≈ | Select item from list menu  ■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■             * User Input *      (Pg 18) ■=========================================■                                         ■Lengths and coordinates:                 ■-----------------------------------------■PrintCADD 3-D interprets user supplied   ■lengths and coordinates according to the ■setting in the "Units" menu.  When one of■the foot-inch modes is selected, the     ■system is considered to be in "Standard" ■mode.  If one of the metric modes has    ■been selected, the system is considered  ■to be in "Metric" mode.  All other modes ■are considered to be "Generic"           ■                                         ■Standard mode:                           ■-----------------------------------------■While in "Standard" mode, the system     ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■             * User Input *      (Pg 19) ■=========================================■                                         ■interprets the ' symbol to mean feet, the■" symbol to mean inch and the \ or /     ■symbols to mean fractions of an inch.    ■eg. 2' 4 1/16", 2' 4.0625 or 28.0625 are ■all interpreted as the same number.      ■                                         ■Metric mode:                             ■-----------------------------------------■The software interprets the m symbol to  ■mean meters.  All other numbers are      ■parsed as centimeters.                   ■                                         ■Generic mode:                            ■-----------------------------------------■Scientific notation may be used in this  ■                          .              ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■             * User Input *      (Pg 20) ■=========================================■                                         ■mode. eg. 1.25E-3 means .00125           ■                                         ■Draw mode:                               ■-----------------------------------------■"Draw" mode can be recognized both by    ■the "@" symbol appearing at the end of   ■the prompt and in most cases the appear- ■ance of a cursor in the current drawing  ■window (Some times the last point entered■may be behind the view).  You may use a  ■combination of mouse and keyboard in this■mode.  The keyboard is good for exact    ■increments of the cursor while the mouse ■allows fast travel from one area to      ■another.  Note the active keys and there ■purpose in the table on the next page.   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■                     * User Input *      (Pg 21) ■=========================================■                                         ■Remember the cursor increment is set by  ■the "CursrSpac" command in "UCS" or      ■"Draw" menu. "NP" means numeric keypad.  ■                                         ■   Key               Action              ■-----------------------------------------■      | Move cursor 1 space along UCS   ■       | "X" axis in positive direction  ■      | Move cursor 1 space along UCS   ■       | "X" axis in negative direction  ■      | Move cursor 1 space along UCS   ■       | "Y" axis in positive direction  ■      | Move cursor 1 space along UCS   ■       | "Y" axis in negative direction  ■NP  +  | Move cursor 1 space along UCS   ■       | "Z" axis in positive direction  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■             * User Input *      (Pg 22) ■=========================================■                                         ■   Key               Action              ■-----------------------------------------■NP  -    Move cursor 1 space along UCS   ■         "Z" axis in negative direction  ■NP  7    Move cursor -1 X and +1 Y       ■                                         ■NP  9    Move cursor +1 X and +1 Y       ■                                         ■NP  1    Move cursor -1 X and -1 Y       ■                                         ■NP  3    Move cursor +1 X and -1 Y       ■                                         ■Shift    Use in conjunction with previous■         keys to produce 10 times as much■         movement ie +10 X for  key     ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■             * User Input *      (Pg 23) ■=========================================■                                         ■   Key               Action              ■-----------------------------------------■ Enter | Enters current cursor location  ■       | as the point prompted for       ■       |                                 ■  Esc  | Invokes "Draw" menu             ■       |                                 ■  MLB  | Same as Enter                   ■       |                                 ■  MRB  | Same as Esc                     ■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■---------->  End User Input  <-----------■              * Commands *       (Pg 24) ■=========================================■                                         ■All commands within PrintCADD 3-D are    ■available by following the proper menu   ■path from the "Main" menu selection      ■through the various intermediate menus to■the final destination.  To this end a    ■notational convention is used in this    ■section to convey the path that you must ■take to arrive at the "Command".         ■                                         ■ [File]  Main menu item                  ■ {Load}  Dropdown menu item              ■ <Exit>  Bracket menu item               ■ ≈List≈  List menu item                  ■   =     Numeric user input              ■   >     Text user input                 ■   @     Draw mode user input            ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Commands *       (Pg 25) ■=========================================■                                         ■eg [Edit]{Cad/Cam}{Curv}{3PtArc}<Cont>@  ■                                         ■This means select the "Edit" menu from   ■"Main", then "Cad/cam" from the next menu■"Curv" from next menu, "3ptArc" from next■menu, "Cont" from bracket menu and enter ■coordinates in draw mode.                ■                                         ■Terminology used by the menu is discussed■at the beginning of each section.  Also, ■menus that are common to several of the  ■items within the menu are discussed here.■eg.  The "Snap" commands available in the■[Draw] menu always invoke the same <Snap>■identification menu so this <Snap> iden- ■tification menu is discussed first.      ■----------->  End Commands  <------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 26) ■=========================================■                                         ■The "Draw" menu may be invoked at any    ■time that the system is prompting for a  ■point.  The "Draw" menu allows "trans-   ■parent" commands to be used while in the ■middle of defining points required by the■current command.  It also allows the user■to select the manner in which the point  ■will be selected.  Many of the commands  ■in this menu are similar to commands     ■available via other menu paths.  In these■instances, the user will be referred to  ■this alternate path for more information.■                                         ■As suggested earlier, the "Draw" menu    ■may be invoked at any time you see a     ■prompt that is followed by the "@" sign. ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 27) ■=========================================■                                         ■You invoke the menu by pressing the      ■"Escape" key or pressing the mouse right ■button.  A menu will appear that allows  ■selection of commands in the same way as ■all other drop down menus.  If you have  ■accidently pressed the wrong key, you may■press "Escape" or mouse right button to  ■continue where you left off.             ■                                         ■            [Draw] Terminology           ■                                         ■Snap - A snap allows selection of a point■based on a mathematical relationship with■points that already exist within the     ■system or drawing. ie [Draw]{MidPtSnap}  ■selects the midpoint of a line segment   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■X              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 28) ■=========================================■                                         ■that already exists within the drawing.  ■                                         ■<Snap> enters the point into the drawing.■                                         ■(Moveto> moves the cursor to the selected■point but does not enter the point into  ■the drawing.                             ■                                         ■All snap commands are invoked by placing ■the cursor near the point or geometry    ■that contains the point and pressing     ■"Esc" or "MRB" to invoke the [Draw] menu.■The user then selects one of the snaps   ■and the snap entity selection menu       ■appears on the top line of the screen.   ■The system will then highlight a surface ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 29) ■=========================================■                                         ■that falls within aperture distance and  ■an oversized cursor(s) will appear at the■point(s) used for the snap calculation.  ■                                         ■The snap menu will always offer the      ■choices:                                 ■<Snap> - Enters the point into the system■<MoveTo> - Moves cursor to this point    ■<Next> - Cycles to next object within    ■aperture range of the cursor             ■<Exit> - Aborts snap operation           ■If the snap menu fails to appear, then   ■there is no object with the criteria     ■needed within aperture range of the      ■cursor.  See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}       ■{Aperture}                               ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 30) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Draw]{NearSnap} - Allows a snap to an   ■end point of a line segment that falls   ■within aperture distance of the cursor.  ■If the point is the first point of a     ■"Series" then the cursor must be within  ■aperture distance of the point, not the  ■line.  See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Mdfy}{Delete} ■<Series>.                                ■                                         ■[Draw]{GridSnap} - Allows a snap to a    ■point on the current "VisiGrid".  See    ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{VisiGrid}@.         ■                                         ■[Draw]{PerpSnap} - Allows a snap to the  ■point that is the perpendicular inter-   ■section between the line that is select- ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 31) ■=========================================■                                         ■ed and the line that would be formed by  ■joining the last point entered into the  ■system and the point that the snap       ■calculates.  This command is normally    ■invoked by entering the start point of a ■line and then placing your cursor near   ■the line segment you wish to snap per-   ■pendicularly to, before invoking the     ■command.                                 ■                                         ■[Draw]{CenterSnap} - This command allows ■the user to snap to the center of a      ■"surface" by placing your cursor on the  ■edge of the surface and then invoking the■command.  See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Mdfy}      ■{SurfLast} commands.                     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 32) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Draw]{MidPtSnap} - This command allows  ■the user to snap to the mathematical mid ■point of the line segment selected.      ■                                         ■[Draw]{Locks}<AlongLock> - This command  ■locks the cursor to a path that follows  ■the direction of the selected line seg-  ■ment.                                    ■                                         ■[Draw]{ParallelLock} - This command locks■the cursor to a path that forms a paral- ■lel between the last point entered and   ■the line segment selected.  This command ■is normally invoked by entering the start■point of a line and then placing the     ■cursor near the line that you wish to    ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 33) ■=========================================■                                         ■remain parallel to before invoking the   ■command.                                 ■                                         ■[Draw]{Locks}<PerpLock> - This command   ■allows the user to lock into a path that ■is perpendicular to the line selected.   ■                                         ■[Draw]{Locks}<LockOff> - Aborts lock in  ■effect at current time.                  ■                                         ■[Draw]{Coords}<AbsUCS> - This command    ■allows the user to enter points into the ■system via coordinates.  The system will ■prompt for X, Y and Z coordinates that   ■are measured as absolute distances from  ■the UCS origin.  The system will parse   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 34) ■=========================================■                                         ■according to [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{Units}.■                                         ■[Draw]{Coords}<RelUCS> - This command    ■parses the user input as a relative off- ■set in the current UCS from the relative ■or last point.                           ■                                         ■[Draw]{Coords}<DBase> - This command     ■parses the user input in terms of        ■PrintCADD 3-D's internal database.       ■                                         ■[Draw]{Coords}<PolDeg> - This command    ■prompts the user for an angle in degrees ■and a distance.  The angle is interpreted■according to the UCS and the distance is ■from the relative or last point.         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 35) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Draw]{Coords}{PolRad} - The system will ■prompt for radians when interpreting the ■polar coordinate.                        ■                                         ■[Draw]{Moveto} - The first five items on ■this menu are the same as the [Draw]     ■{Coords} menu except that the cursor is  ■moved without entering the point.  The   ■<LastPt> item moves the cursor to the    ■relative point while <SetRel> moves the  ■relative point to the cursor position.   ■                                         ■[Draw]{UCSAline} - This command invokes a■bracket menu.  The <Change> option       ■toggles whether the system moves the     ■cursor into alinement with the current   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 36) ■=========================================■                                         ■UCS spacing grid at the beginning of each■point selection or allows the cursor to  ■begin it's spacing from wherever it was  ■placed when the last point was entered.  ■The <Realine> option simply realines the ■cursor to the UCS spacing grid and       ■continues with the current point         ■selection.  eg If the spacing is set to  ■1" along each axis and a {Center} snap   ■with <Moveto> option has placed the      ■cursor at 3.5, 1.25, 4.0, then selecting ■<Realine> will move the cursor to 4.0, 1,■4.0.                                     ■                                         ■[Draw]{Cursrspace} - See [Edit]{Cadcam}  ■{Ucs}{Cursrspace}                        ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Draw Menu *      (Pg 37) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Draw]{Zoom/Pan} - See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}   ■{ZmPa} menu items.                       ■                                         ■[Draw]{Redraw} - See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}     ■{Rdrw}{Redraw}.                          ■                                         ■[Draw]{UCS} - See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}   ■menu items.                              ■                                         ■[Draw]{WndwRdOut} - See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}  ■{Vars}{WndwRdOut}.                       ■                                         ■[Draw]{Exit} - This command aborts the   ■command in progress.  This normally      ■returns to the preview menu but may abort■from "Endpoint@" to "Startpoint@" prompt.■----------->  End Draw Menu  <-----------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 38) ■=========================================■                                         ■[File]{Load}{Drawing}≈ - This command    ■presents a list of drawing files from    ■which you may select the drawing you wish■to work with                             ■                                         ■[File]{Load}{Font}≈ - This command       ■presents a list of font files from which ■you may select the font on which you wish■to work with.  After selecting the font, ■the user will be asked to press the key  ■that corresponds to the letter within the■font that you wish to use.               ■                                         ■[File]{Create}{Drawing}> - This command  ■allows the user to create a new drawing  ■file.  The user will be prompted for the ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 39) ■=========================================■                                         ■name of the drawing.  The user must enter■a name 8 characters or less in length.   ■The system will then append ".GVF" to the■end of the drawing name.  ".GVF" is an   ■abbreviation for graphics vector file.   ■The system will then present a "Units"   ■menu (See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{Units}≈)  ■from which the user selects the units to ■use initially.  The next prompt will set ■the limits of the drawing (See [Edit]    ■{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{Limits}>).  The user will■then create the drawing window (See      ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Wndw}{Create}).  The     ■final step consists of setting the cursor■spacing (See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}        ■{CursrSpace}=).                          ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 40) ■=========================================■                                         ■[File]{Create}{Font} - This command      ■allows the user to create a font file.  A■font file is similar to a drawing file   ■but there are certain rules that must be ■followed in order to create and edit     ■them.  The user should read the PrintCADD■manual before attempting this process.   ■The creation prompts are identical to the■drawing creation prompts but for sake of ■consistency the font should always be    ■created with a limits setting of 1"      ■(See [File]{Create}{Drawing}>).  Their   ■are two additional prompts when creating ■a font.  The first prompt requests the   ■amount of storage required for each      ■letter in the file.  The number entered  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 41) ■=========================================■                                         ■as a reply to this prompt will reserve   ■that space in words (two bytes) for each ■letter in the font.  Each letter requires■a minimum overhead of approximately 100  ■words so valid numbers would range from  ■200 up.  The more space that is reserved ■the more complex the font can be.  As    ■there is no error generated if one letter■overflows into the area reserved for the ■next letter and doing so can destroy the ■file, it is best to allocate more storage■than may be necessary rather than less.  ■The second additional prompt asks for the■number of characters in the prompt.  In  ■most cases "96" is the number to type in ■at this prompt.  When you have finished  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 42) ■=========================================■                                         ■answering these prompts the system sets  ■the character being edited to the "Space"■character (Spacebar).  This character has■a special meaning to the system - it sets■the spacing characteristics of the font. ■The user must draw a rectangle (See      ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Line}{Rectangle}) in the ■filespace associated with the "Spacebar" ■character.  If the "Limits" have been set■to 1" then the rectangle should be 1" by ■1".  Use the [File]{Load}{Font}> command ■to edit other characters.  This command  ■has another use as well - it is used to  ■create "Parts" (See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Surf}■{Surf Part}).  The "part" file is a two  ■character font file that consists of the ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 43) ■=========================================■                                         ■"Spacebar" character and the "!" (excla- ■mation mark) character.  As their is only■one true character in this font and that ■character can not overflow into another  ■characters space the system only requires■a space of 120 for a part no matter what ■the size.  After creating and editing the■part it must be renamed with an extension■of ".SRF".  This allows the system to see■it as a part.  All fonts and parts are   ■two dimensional in nature and should be  ■drawn so that they do not extrude into   ■3-D space.  Although they are 2-D in     ■nature they may be oriented in 3-D space ■when brought into the drawing and may be ■extruded into 3-d space as well.         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 44) ■=========================================■                                         ■[File]{DOSComs}<Directory><Cont> - This  ■command will display a list of files     ■according to the settings of the <Mask>  ■and <Directories> commands described     ■next                                     ■                                         ■[File]{DOSComs}<Directory><Mask> - Allows■the user to set a mask with DOS wildcard ■selection criteria. (See DOS manual)     ■                                         ■[File]{DOSComs}<Directory><Directory>> - ■The user will be prompted for the direct-■ory to be searched for files.            ■                                         ■[File]{DOSComs}<Copy>> - The user will be■prompted for the name of the file to be  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 45) ■=========================================■                                         ■copied and the pathname that it is to be ■copied to. (See DOS manual)              ■                                         ■[File]{DOSComs}<Delete> - PrintCAD-3D    ■will prompt for the name of the file to  ■delete.                                  ■                                         ■[File]{DOSComs}<Mkdir> - The system will ■prompt the user for the pathname of the  ■directory to create.                     ■                                         ■[File]{DOSComs}<Diskspace> - PrintCADD-3D■will display the amount of diskspace left■on the drives that contain the current   ■drawing and display list files.          ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * File Menu *      (Pg 46) ■=========================================■                                         ■[File]{DOSComs}<memLeft> - "Memory ="    ■should be higher than 42600.             ■                                         ■[File]{Purge} - This command frees up the■filespace associated with deleted        ■entities within the drawing file.  The   ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{Delete}@ command   ■marks entities as being deleted but does ■not free up the file space that they     ■used.                                    ■                                         ■[File]{Quit} - This command exits from   ■PrintCADD-3D back to DOS.  The user will ■be asked if they really wish to quit. If ■the [System]{Optimize} command has been  ■set, you may abort the current edits.    ■----------->  End File Menu  <-----------■              * Line Menu *      (Pg 47) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Line}{Line} - This com-  ■mand prompts for a start point and the   ■end point of a line segment.  The system ■will continue to prompt for an end point ■and build line segments between the last ■point entered and current point until    ■{Exit} is selected from the {Draw} menu. ■The system will then prompt for a start  ■point again.  {Exit} must be selected    ■once again to return to the {CAD/CAM}    ■menu.                                    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Line}{Rectangle} - The   ■system will prompt the user for the two  ■opposite corner points of the rectangle. ■The rectangle will be formed according to■------------->  More Down  <-------------■              * Line Menu *      (Pg 48) ■=========================================■                                         ■the settings of the UCS X and Y axes ie  ■two sides will be parallel to the X axis ■and two sides will be parallel to the Y  ■axis.                                    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Line}{Triangle} - The    ■user will be prompted for the three      ■corner points of the triangle.           ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Line}{Prllogram} - The   ■user will be prompted for three of the   ■four points of a parallelogram.  The     ■fourth point will be formed by inference.■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■----------->  End Line Menu  <-----------■σÜ¥░Φ$░ΘlΓ¥└┤ª¥░h─îiï ⁿ╩A└v^,~░·ßvµµ╟δ              * Curv Menu *      (Pg 49) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Curv}{PtRadCirc} - This  ■command prompts for a center point and a ■point on the edge of the circle.  There  ■is an option menu that allows the setting■of start and stop angles as well as the  ■number of line segments that will form   ■the circle.  All {Curv} commands have an ■option menu.  Experiment to learn.  Start■and end angles are in terms of the cur-  ■rent UCS setting and application of the  ■right hand rule.  See [Edit]{CAD/CAM}    ■{Grup}{Rotate} and [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}. ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Curv}{2PtCirc} - After   ■selecting <Cont> from the intermediate   ■circle menu the user will be prompted for■------------->  More Down  <-------------■FΦPïFµPÜïFΣ-PïFΓ-PÜ╛3█              * Curv Menu *      (Pg 50) ■=========================================■                                         ■two diametrically opposing points on the ■edge of the circle.                      ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Curv}{3PtCirc} - The user■will be prompted for three points on the ■edge of the circle to be formed.         ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Curv}{3PtArc} - This     ■command is similar to the 3PtCirc command■but the curve is formed starting at the  ■first point entered through the second   ■point entered and ending at the third    ■point entered.                           ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Curv}{2PtEllipse} - This ■command forms an ellipse by prompting for■------------->  More Down  <-------------■SjÜj╗SjÜjì^¬SjÜ              * Curv Menu *      (Pg 51) ■=========================================■                                         ■the center point of the ellipse and then ■for a point whose distance from the      ■center point along the UCS X axis forms  ■the "Major" axis and whose distance from ■the center along the UCS Y axis forms the■"Minor" axis.                            ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Curv}{PtSpline} - This   ■command forms a cubic spline by first    ■allowing you to set the number of points ■that the spline will intercept and the   ■number of line segments that will form   ■between each of these points.  You will  ■then be prompted for the location of each■point that you wish the curve to inter-  ■cept.                                    ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■─xè    \áD├C╤α╤α ï╪╛\
  3. ÄDÜì^┬Ü              * Curv Menu *      (Pg 52) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Curv}{AnchrSplin} - This ■command allows the user to place a spline■curve in space by either anchoring the   ■two endpoints and placing a third point  ■of the spline or selecting <AltSpline>   ■and the curve will start at the first    ■point through the second point and end at■the third point.                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■----------->  End Curv Menu  <-----------■SjÜjì^ÜSjÜjÜëåv ëûx j              * Text Menu *      (Pg 53) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}{Box} - This command■prompts for three corners of a parallel- ■ogram that the text wil shape to fit.    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}{StackedBox} - Same ■as {Text}{Box} except text stacks like a ■vertical sign.                           ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}{LeftJustfy} - This ■command will place text to right of point■selected.  Text will run parallel to UCS ■X axis.                                  ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}{RightJstfy} - Same ■as [LeftJustfy] but text will be placed  ■to left of selected point.               ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ï╪╛\
  4. ÄDÜo£3─ èÜ╠V5─"è÷╠/V─              * Text Menu *      (Pg 54) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}{Centered} - Text   ■centers around selected point.           ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}{Between} - Text    ■forms between two selected points.       ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}{FontSelect} - Font ■type is selected from list menu.         ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}{TextScale} - This  ■command leads to a bracket menu that     ■allows setting of the X Scale, Y Scale or■<Auto> which sets the scale according to ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{AutoSize}.         ■                                         ■                                         ■----------->  End Text Menu  <-----------■ëïF┤ïV╢úë╗£'╠ VF╠VI─$è└─(è┬─              * Dims Menu *      (Pg 55) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Alined} - This     ■command prompts the user for two points  ■that mark the length being dimensioned.  ■The user will then be prompted for a     ■third point that will form a parallelo-  ■gram that defines the placement of the   ■dimension lines, witness lines, arrow-   ■heads and text.  If the third point is   ■the same as the second point, the dimen- ■sion will form without witness lines.    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Horizontal} - This ■command forms a "horizontal" dimension   ■parallel to the UCS X axis and measured  ■in units along the UCS X axis.  You will ■first be prompted for a point that the   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ì^╥Üï^Üì^ΓÜì^▐Üï^Ü              * Dims Menu *      (Pg 56) ■=========================================■                                         ■dimension lines will form throuh.  You   ■will then be prompted for two points     ■whose horizontal distance along the UCS  ■X axis is measured and dimensioned.      ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Vertical} - This   ■command is the same as the {Horizontal}  ■command except that distance will be     ■measured along the UCS Y axis and the    ■dimension will form parallel to this     ■axis.                                    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Pointer} - This    ■command allows the user to construct     ■pointer type dimensions and additionally ■allows the dimensioning of angles.       ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ v╞ v╨ v╬Ü v─ v┬ v╠ v╩Ü 6j jÜ              * Dims Menu *      (Pg 57) ■=========================================■                                         ■The user will first be transported into  ■line drawing mode in which a complex     ■leader line may be drawn.  When the user ■exits this command, an arrowhead will be ■drawn at the point first selected in a   ■direction that is pointing in the same   ■direction as the first line in the lead- ■er.  You will then be offered the chance ■to measure an angle, measure a length, or■type in the text that you wish to appear ■at the last cursor position.  If you     ■select angular measurement you will be   ■prompted for three additional points that■form the angle, the type of measurement  ■(Degrees or Radians) and the number of   ■decimal places of precision to use.      ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ΘïF
  5. ï≡ï ëN┌â~┌tΘ╟╟╟              * Dims Menu *      (Pg 58) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{ArrowType} - This  ■command presents a menu with various     ■types of arrowheads that may be used.    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{ArrowScale} - This ■command allows the user to set the X     ■scale, Y scale or <Auto> scale the arrow-■heads of the dimension.                  ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Overlap} - This    ■command allows you to set the overlap of ■the witness lines with the object being  ■dimensioned or the arrowheads.  A nega-  ■tive number produces underlap.  Enter a  ■length at the prompt.  The <Auto> option ■uses the {Vars}{AutoSize} setting.       ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■áïQS*á    v    Enhanced$£─ëz              * Dims Menu *      (Pg 59) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Suppress} - This   ■command allows the user to suppress the  ■various elements of the dimension.       ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Pre/Suffix} - This ■command allows the user to add a prefix  ■or a suffix to the dimension.  This is   ■useful if you are using a measurement    ■system that is not supported by PrintCADD■eg By setting the Units command to a     ■generic mode and setting the suffix to   ■angstroms the system will produce ang-   ■strom dimensions.                        ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Placement} - This  ■command allows the user to align the text■------------->  More Down  <-------------■VSâ~╓tΘ╟Ç╟α╟╟╟              * Dims Menu *      (Pg 60) ■=========================================■                                         ■in the dimension with either the direc-  ■tion of the dimension lines or with the  ■direction of the UCS X axis.             ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{Orientate} - This  ■command allows the dimension text to be  ■oriented in a vertical sign fashion.     ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Dims}{DualDim} - This    ■command allows two dimension types to be ■placed on one dimension ie standard and  ■metric.  There is also an option that has■the system prompt the user for the       ■information that appears on the dimension■line.                                    ■                                         ■----------->  End Dims Menu  <-----------■╗Ü╗Üì^╘Üìü£a─è┤─ë£╠              * Grup Menu *      (Pg 61) ■=========================================■                                         ■"Grup" menu items all invoke a common    ■group selection process.  The user will  ■be asked whether to use a previous group ■or a new group.  In either case, another ■menu appears that allows <Add>ing single ■surfaces to the group by touching it.    ■<Boxadd> "adds" all surfaces inside a box■to the group.  The <Subtract> command    ■takes a surface out of the group.  Once  ■the group of surfaces has been selected, ■the user should select <Finish> to invoke■the command.                             ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{Move} - This com-  ■mand moves the group by prompting for an ■origin point and an offset point.  The   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■jÜhÜj v╠jjjÜhÜj              * Grup Menu *      (Pg 62) ■=========================================■                                         ■group is moved in the direction and the  ■distance of this offset point relative to■the origin point.                        ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{Scale} - This com- ■mand prompts for a scale.  A number less ■than 1 shrinks the group while a number  ■larger than 1 enlarges the group.        ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{Rotate} - This     ■command prompts for two ends of an axis  ■to rotate the group about.  The second   ■axis point is taken to be in the positive■direction of the axis.  The user is then ■allowed to specify a rotation in degrees ■about this axis.  The rotation uses the  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■δS1µÉ GETINφSºî     INTERRUPTÆáü              * Grup Menu *      (Pg 63) ■=========================================■                                         ■right hand rule to specify the direction.■The right hand rule states that if the   ■thumb on your right hand points along the■rotation axis in the positive direction  ■then the fingers of the right hand point ■in the direction of the rotation.        ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{Copy} - This com-  ■mand uses an origin point and an offset  ■point to show the direction and distance ■to place a copy of the group selected.   ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{ChangeColr} - This ■command changes the line color, line     ■style, fill pattern and fill colors of   ■the group selected to that of the current■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Üd£H─èå─è└─è┬─6è──:è╞─Pè╚─T              * Grup Menu *      (Pg 64) ■=========================================■                                         ■settings in the {Colr} menu.  See [Edit] ■{CAD/CAM}{Colr}.                         ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{ChangeLayr} - This ■command places all entities in the group ■on the current layer.                    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{OpenSurf} - All    ■surfaces selected become open type.  See ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Mdfy}{SurfLast}          ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{CloseSurf} - Change■group to closed surface type.            ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{Delete} - Deletes  ■selected group from drawing.             ■----------->  End Grup Menu  <-----------■D@├ïF ï≡╟╟D@CïFzï≡╟╟DÇ?ïF              * Surf Menu *      (Pg 65) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Surf}{Thickness} - This  ■command prompts the user to select a     ■surface and then prompts for a thickness ■to give that surface.  The surface is    ■then extruded along the UCS Z axis to    ■produce a three dimensional object of    ■said thickness.                          ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Surf}{Extrude} - This    ■command is similar to the last command   ■except that an origin and an offset point■are used to establish the direction and  ■distance of the extrusion.               ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Surf}{CutToPlane} - The  ■user will be prompted fo a surface, a    ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■VN─fë╠iVO!î    B$RDIM╙áç]hÜ╟              * Surf Menu *      (Pg 66) ■=========================================■                                         ■depth and three points on a plane that   ■extrusion will be cut at.  Depth should  ■be further than distance of cutting plane■eg. mate rectangle to roof for chimney.  ■                                         ■[Draw]{CAD/CAM}{Surf}{Join} - This item  ■prompts the user for two surfaces that   ■will be joined by sending extrusion lines■between each point of each surface in    ■turn.  Normally used on similar surfaces ■of different depths and sizes to produce ■cones, pyramids or tapered surfaces.     ■                                         ■[Draw]{CAD/CAM}{Surf}{Revolve} - This    ■command allows a person to revolve a     ■surface about an axis to produce a       ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Θσ£─ïîüá╞^2á╦^â~«tΘΘ              * Surf Menu *      (Pg 67) ■=========================================■                                         ■surface of revolution.  The user will    ■first be allowed to set the amount and   ■resolution of the revolution via a brack-■et menu.  The next step is to select the ■surface to revolve and the final step    ■sets the axis of revolution (See {Edit}  ■{CAD/CAM}{Grup}{Revolve}).  This command ■allows a person to "lathe" objects and is■suitable for globes, ellipsoids, glasses ■and many other curved edge objects.      ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Surf}{RadArray} - This   ■command allows a person to select a      ■surface and then set down copies of the  ■object about an axis.  This type of pro- ■cedure is known as a radial array.       ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■NWDW?á|`Θ╣╗ÜïvïëF∞â~∞tΘ              * Surf Menu *      (Pg 68) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Surf}{Surf Part} - This  ■command allows a person to use a library ■of "Parts" that can be inserted into the ■drawing by several different methods.    ■The insertion methods correspond directly■to the methods that are used for text    ■insertion so see [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Text}   ■for more details.  See [File]{create}    ■{Font} for details on how to create surf ■parts.  This command may be effectively  ■used to provide several other methods for■creating circles, ellipses, arcs, fillets■and virtually any other flat surface for ■placement into a drawing.  The user will ■be required to set the scale or size of  ■the part before insertion.               ■----------->  End Surf Menu  <-----------■ZaYEáQabEá∩`─Fá│aEáì`&E              * Colr Menu *      (Pg 69) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Colr}{LineColor} - This  ■command allows a user to select a line   ■color from a drop down menu.             ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Colr}{LineStyle} - This  ■command allows the user to select a line ■style from a drop down menu.             ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Colr}{PattFgdCol} - This ■command allows the user to select the    ■pattern foreground color for surfaces.   ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Colr}{PattBgdCol} - This ■command allows the user to select the    ■pattern background color for surface.    ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ï°ìv╓Φ¥ï°ìv╓Φ¥Θ≤£╠VÇé'á c╧á              * Colr Menu *      (Pg 70) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Colr}{SysPattern} - A    ■drop down menu will appear that allows   ■the user to select a pattern for the     ■interior of surfaces.  These patterns are■built into the system.                   ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Colr}{UsrPattern} - This ■command allows the user to select one of ■the patterns created with {UsrPatMake}.  ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Colr}{UsrPatMake} - This ■command prompts the user for 8 numbers   ■converted from binary to decimal that    ■represent an 8 x 8 grid of 1's and 0's   ■where a 1 becomes foreground color and a ■zero becomes background color.           ■----------->  End Colr Menu  <-----------■ìF╞PÜΘy£╠VÇé╠VÇé╠=VÇâèáöc╘ìá              * Layr Menu *      (Pg 71) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Layr}{Select} - This     ■command allows the user to select the    ■layer that all subsequent surfaces will  ■be drawn on.                             ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Layr}{Create} - This     ■command allows the user to create a new  ■layer.  The user will be prompted for a  ■name to remember the layer by.  This     ■layer will then become the current layer.■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Layr}{Lock} - This       ■command allows the user to control the   ■visibility of layers.  A list menu will  ■appear that contains the names of all    ■layers within the drawing.  When a name  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■÷£╠VÇé6áÇgmáçgïvï%#└uΘïF              * Layr Menu *      (Pg 72) ■=========================================■                                         ■is highlighted in the list pressing the  ■"Enter" key or mouse left button will    ■toggle the symbol to the right of the    ■name between "X" and "-".  An "X" means  ■the layer will be visible while a "-"    ■means the layer will be invisible.  The  ■command does not take effect until the   ■screen is regenerated.                   ■                                         ■By separating a drawing into layers, the ■user will find the drawing less cluttered■and regenerations much quicker.          ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Layr}{Change} - This     ■command allows the user to change the    ■name previously assigned to that layer.  ■----------->  End Layr Menu  <-----------■~ëF╨~á¢i    Lá5ªi v╨Üï°ìv╩Φçûï°ìv╩              * Mdfy Menu *      (Pg 73) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Mdfy}{MovePoint} - This  ■command prompts the user to select a     ■point and a new location for the point.  ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Mdfy}{MoveCentPt} - This ■command allows the user to move the fill ■or centerpoint of a selected surface.    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Mdfy}{Stretch} - This    ■option will prompt the user to draw a box■in the current window.  All points that  ■are on the interior of this box will be  ■moved the direction and distance of the  ■"Offset @" point from the Origin @"      ■point.  This command also affects center ■points.                                  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■VÇé7áñk3á.╜kïvï%#└uΘh Ü              * Mdfy Menu *      (Pg 74) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Mdfy}{SurfLast} - This   ■command allows the user to group lines,  ■arcs of less than 360 degrees and splines■into surfaces.  All other entities are   ■automatically surfaced by the system.    ■When either <Closed Surface> or <Open    ■Surface> is selected, the software will  ■group all entities found between the last■surface entered and the issuance of this ■command.  For instance, if the user drew ■a rectangle, a spline, a line and then   ■issued this command, the system would    ■look at the rectangle as the last surface■entered and group the spline and the line■into a surface.  The <Open Surface> type ■has no rules as to how it is made.  The  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■°ìv╓ΦjÆï°ìv╓ΦXÆΘ╖£╠VÇé'á┴má▐              * Mdfy Menu *      (Pg 75) ■=========================================■                                         ■<Closed Surface> type must completely    ■enclose an area and all points that make ■up the surface must be co-planar.  Closed■surfaces are considered when hidden line ■elinination is done.  Open surfaces are  ■not shown.  When this command is         ■selected, the system will prompt the user■for a point on the interior of the       ■surface.                                 ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Mdfy}{DeleteLast} - This ■command allows the user to delete either ■the last <Line>, <Series> or <Surface>   ■entered into the system even if it's     ■layer is off.  The command can work back ■through the entire file.                 ■----------->  End Mdfy Menu  <-----------■oáσojÜï°ìv╓ΦIÉï°ìv╓Φ7É─£╠VÇé              * Vars Menu *      (Pg 76) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{RelAbsDbas} - This ■command sets the type of coordinates that■the bottom line of the screen will       ■display.                                 ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{Aperture} - The    ■system will prompt the user for a value  ■that controls the distance the system    ■will search from the center of the cursor■to find a snap object.  It also controls ■the size of the cursor.  This value is   ■given in horizontal pixel units.         ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{CursorType} - This ■command allows the user to select the    ■style of cursor he wishes to use.        ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■╓Φ6Äï≡ì~╓Φ.Äï°ìv╥ΦÄΘ╠£╠VÇé6á╣o_╨              * Vars Menu *      (Pg 77) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{BlipMode} - This   ■command allows the user to control the   ■type of marker that is left on the screen■when a point is entered.  It also allows ■the user to turn this feature off.       ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{DragLevel} - This  ■command allows the user to control the   ■number of surfaces the system will use to■do a [Edit]{CAD/CAM}{View}{Aim}<File>    ■command.                                 ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{Limits} - This will■allow the user to change the amount of   ■area that will show in the screen at a   ■zoom level of 1.  In order to minimize   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■îΘ⌡£╠VÇé'áπsΦátjÜï°ìv╩Φ              * Vars Menu *      (Pg 78) ■=========================================■                                         ■the number of regenerations that the     ■system needs to perform, this should be  ■set at approximately twice the size of   ■the area you are likely to use for the   ■drawing.                                 ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{WndwRdOut} - This  ■command controls what information will   ■appear in the top left hand corner of the■current window.                          ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Vars}{Autosize} - This   ■command allows the user to set the size  ■of <Auto> commands in terms of a length  ■or in relation to horizontal pixel sizes ■of the current window.                   ■----------->  End Vars Menu  <-----------■\
  6. ÄD&ïN▓ï╪\
  7. ÄD&ë═áDv${á2jvïF╛#              * Zoom Menu *      (Pg 79) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{ZoomFactor} - This ■command prompts the user for a value to  ■'Zoom" the screen by.  A factor greater  ■than 1 causes a zoom into the drawing    ■while a zoom factor smaller than 1 causes■the drawing to zoom out.                 ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{ZoomLevel} - This  ■command prompts the user for a zoom      ■level.  This zoom level is considered in ■terms of the [Vars][Limits] setting.     ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{ZoomScale} - This  ■command prompts the user for a page width■and a scale factor.  The system will then■zoom the window to the appropriate scale.■------------->  More Down  <-------------■╣╗Üh╗½£
  8. V─ïÉ7î    CLAYER              * Zoom Menu *      (Pg 80) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{Wndwzoom} - The    ■program will prompt the user to draw a   ■rectangular box around the area to be    ■zoomed.                                  ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{Zoom out} - The    ■system will prompt the user to draw a    ■rectangular box that the current view    ■will shrink into.                        ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{ZmPrevious} - This ■command will cause the system to zoom to ■the previously selected zoom level.  The ■view will also be panned if necessary.   ■If there was no previous zoom, then the  ■program will perform a [ZoomLimits].     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■    Name ? >$∞£─ëΣ─é─ëµÄáC}              * Zoom Menu *      (Pg 81) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{ZoomLimits} - This ■command zooms the window to a zoom level ■of 1 around the current cursor position. ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{Dragpan} - The pro-■gram will prompt the user to select a    ■point in the drawing to "Pull" on.  The  ■system will then prompt the user to      ■select a new position for this point in  ■the current window.  The system will then■pan the view to this new position.       ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Zoom}{ReCenter} - The    ■program will pan the view so that the    ■current cursor position is shifted to the■center of the window.                    ■----------->  End Zoom Menu  <-----------■╟FΓ/3└ΘÉjPjjjÜ vαÜ vΦïF              * Rdrw Menu *      (Pg 82) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{Redraw} - This     ■command causes the screen to be redrawn  ■removing any "Blips" or "ghosted"        ■surfaces.  As the drawing needs only to  ■be redrawn, not recalculated, this       ■command works very swiftly.              ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{Regenerate} - This ■command allows the user to relocate the  ■center point of the regeneration via the ■<NewCenter> option or have the screen    ■regenerate at the same area as before    ■with the <Auto> option.  In perspective  ■views that are not aligned with the      ■UCS, distortions will occur unless the   ■<NewCenter> option is used.  Screen      ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■I}ëFα=Θt ÜΘ'£╠ VÇÄ"áª|┤âáü              * Rdrw Menu *      (Pg 83) ■=========================================■                                         ■regeneration recalculates all of the     ■points in the database relative to the   ■center of the screen and the area defined■by the {Vars}{Limits} command.  A dotted ■white line will surround the limits of   ■the regeneration field.  If parts of your■drawing fall outside of this white line  ■then use the {Regenerate}<NewCenter>     ■command to recenter the regeneration.    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{RegenAll} - This   ■command regenerates all of the windows.  ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{QuickHide} - This  ■command provides a hidden line, surface  ■filled view of the drawing.              ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■lëÄ╠oV ╠wV─|ëⁿùá    ⁿÇ?îáüñÜì^              * Rdrw Menu *      (Pg 84) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{HiddenLine} - This ■command provides a hidden line view of   ■the drawing.                             ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{FillSurf} - This   ■command allows the user to fix any       ■anomalies found after using the          ■[QuickHide] command.  This command asks  ■the user to select the surface to fill   ■and then for a fill point. The system    ■will then fill that surface with it's    ■pattern and colors.                      ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{PullSurf} - This   ■command is similar to {FillSurf} but it  ■does not prompt for a fill point.        ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■*üï#á╡ü#á#~Æ#áZ}[#áâ{2              * Rdrw Menu *      (Pg 85) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{NoClearRdw} - This ■command redraws the screen without       ■clearing it first.                       ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{OutlinSurf} - This ■command is similar to [FillSurf] command ■except that the fill color is black thus ■producing a hidden line view.            ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{Regen-New} - This  ■command resets the regeneration limits to■the edge of the screen rather than the   ■edge of the limits setting.  This command■is useful when a zoom invokes the warning■message, "Incomplete Redraw ! <Regen-New>■< Continue >", and the user selects      ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■áhâ_áyââ╛l     tΘïFΩú-úΘ£              * Rdrw Menu *      (Pg 86) ■=========================================■                                         ■<Regen-New>.  As this <Regen-New> command■resets the regeneration limits, you need ■to do a {ZoomLimits} and {Regen-New}     ■command to reset the size of the regen-  ■eration field to the size of the drawing.■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Rdrw}{DrawLayer} - This  ■command will draw the selected layer     ■without clearing the screen.  By keeping ■text on a separate layer you may invoke  ■this command to draw the text over a     ■hidden line or solid view of the drawing.■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■----------->  End Rdrw Menu  <-----------■SVëVΓÜ v∞ï~Γ 5Ü3█\
  9. ÄDSVjÜ              * View Menu *      (Pg 87) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{View}{RotateXYZ} - This  ■command will prompt the user for X, Y and■Z values of rotation for the view.  The  ■values are in degrees and refer to the   ■amount the drawing must be rotated about ■each axis from top plan view.            ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{View}{Aim} - This command■allows the user to first select the      ■entities in the drawing that he wishes to■use for aiming the drawing.  Another     ■option, <File> just uses the first {Vars}■{DragLevel}= amount of items to appear in■the window as an aiming device.  The     ■system then presents a bracket menu that ■allows the user to select the axis that  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■    ─é─ë    0á         Axis = µ£─              * View Menu *      (Pg 88) ■=========================================■                                         ■the view will revolve about and the      ■number of degrees that it will revolve.  ■Once the <Group> or <File> is aimed      ■correctly, select the <Regen> command to ■regenerate the entire drawing to this    ■view.  Press "Escape" to abort.          ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{View}{TopPlan} - This    ■command generates a top plan view of the ■drawing.  Other "Plan" menu items        ■generate similar views.                  ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{View}{ViewtoUCS} - This  ■command alines the view with the current ■UCS.  The origin is placed in the center ■of the screen.                           ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■     s£─ë«    ─é─ë░    °á    ┤                  * View Menu *      (Pg 89) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{View}{Look} - This       ■command removes the menu from the screen ■providing an unobstructed view of the    ■window.  Press any key to make menu re-  ■appear.                                  ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■----------->  End View Menu  <-----------■≡ 4ïF&ï≡ 4Ü 6j jÜj v╩jïF╚              * Wndw Menu *      (Pg 90) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Wndw}{Select} - This     ■command allows the user to select the    ■window to use as the current drawing     ■window.  After selecting this command the■system will regenerate the selected      ■window and highlight the top line of the ■selected window.                         ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Wndw}{Create} - This     ■command will prompt the user for two     ■corners of a box that represent the area ■that the window will occupy on the       ■screen.                                  ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Wndw}{Close} - This      ■command allows the user to close any open■------------->  More Down  <-------------■VÇî╠^VÇï╠eVÇò╠oV!╠|VÇì╪á    îÜ/£╠VÇ              * Wndw Menu *      (Pg 91) ■=========================================■                                         ■window except the current window.        ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Wndw}{ReSize} - This     ■command blanks the current window and    ■prompts the user for two corners of a box■that represents the area that the window ■will occupy on the screen.               ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Wndw}{Projection} - This ■command allows the user to pick between  ■a <Parallel> and <Perspective> view of   ■the drawing in the current window.  If   ■<Perspective> is selected, the user will ■be prompted for a vanishing point,       ■distance of eye from the origin and the  ■distance at which to clip the view.      ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ \
  10. ÄDíï&ë&ëW╗Üí╤α4£7─èÿ              * Wndw Menu *      (Pg 92) ■=========================================■                                         ■Clipping allows the user to look inside  ■an object by clipping away line segments ■that fall in between the eye and the     ■clipping distance.                       ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{Wndw}{Aspect} - This     ■command allows the user to change the    ■aspect of the current window.  Aspect is ■useful when circles appear elliptical and■squares do not seem square even when     ■looking straight on.  This happens       ■because of monitor screen dimensions that■to not coincide to an exact ratio of 4 to■3, horizontal to vertical.               ■                                         ■                                         ■----------->  End Wndw Menu  <-----------■╕ ≈.ï╪ï╙ï╪╛\
  11. ÄDëV╪ÜÜ              * UCS Menu *       (Pg 93) ■=========================================■                                         ■UCS - User Coordinate System - It is     ■important to understand the concept of   ■user coordinate systems as they control  ■not only the way objects are measured but■the way they form in three dimensional   ■space.  A user coordinate system is      ■established by having the user establish ■the directions in which the X and Y axes ■run through through the 3-D drawing. The ■Z axis is aligned by the system in a way ■that is at right angles and proper for a ■right hand coordinate system ie when the ■right thumb points in the direction of   ■the positive X axis and the index finger ■points in the direction of the positive  ■Y axis then the other fingers will be    ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■╗ÜÜ£6─è└╠V ─"èÿ─2èå╠AV2╠IV─Nè              * UCS Menu *       (Pg 94) ■=========================================■                                         ■able to point in the direction of the    ■positive Z axis if bent at right angle to■the index finger.                        ■                                         ■        C------------------D             ■       / \     -            \            ■      /   \   \  \           \           ■     /     \    -             \          ■    H-------A------------------B         ■    |       |    _   ---- ---- |         ■    |       |   | |  |  | |  | |         ■    |       |   | |  ---- ---- |         ■    |       |   | |            |         ■    |       |   | |            |         ■    G-------E------------------F         ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■èÿ╠oV5╠wV ─|èP~á\╟ôÜï^╚\
  12. ÄDÜ              * UCS Menu *       (Pg 95) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{3Point} - This      ■command allows the user to establish a   ■UCS by selecting an origin, selecting a  ■point on the positive X axis and select- ■ing a point in the positive Y plane.  In ■the diagram on page 94 selecting "A" for ■the origin, "B" for a point on the X axis■and "C" for a point in the positive Y    ■plane would cause the cursor to travel on■the roof of the house.  All X, Y and Z   ■coordinates would be measured in dis-    ■tances from the bottom left corner of the■roof.  Similarly selecting "E" for the   ■origin, "F" for a point on the X axis and■"A" for a point in the positive Y plane  ■would allow you to place the doors and   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■α╤α╤αï╪ï╙ï╪\
  13. ÄDëVóÜì^╢Ü╗Ü              * UCS Menu *       (Pg 96) ■=========================================■                                         ■windows as X and Y offsets from the      ■bottom left corner of the front of the   ■house.  Mouse and arrow keys cause the   ■cursor to increment parallel to the UCS  ■axes.                                    ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{UCStoView} - This   ■command alines the UCS so that the origin■is in the center of the window, the X    ■axis runs parallel to the bottom of the  ■window and the Y axis runs parallel to   ■the sides of the window no matter what   ■the viewing angle.                       ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{Origin} - This      ■command alines the UCS to the database   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■µùDëVÿÜì^▓Ü╗ÜÜï^£â├ \              * UCS Menu *       (Pg 97) ■=========================================■                                         ■coordinate system ie top plan view.      ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{CursrSpace} - This  ■command prompts the user for the length  ■along each UCS axis, to jump when the    ■user presses the appropriate arrow key.  ■This command also affects the mouse.     ■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{Units} - This       ■command allows the user to select the    ■accuracy and type of units that would be ■appropriate for the work at hand ie using■metric units to place metric parts and   ■imperial units to place imperial parts in■the same drawing.                        ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ì^║Ü╗Üï^Æâ├ ï╙\
  14. Ä=£0╠V4─              * UCS Menu *       (Pg 98) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{CAD/CAM}{UCS}{VisiGrid} - This    ■command establishes a visible grid with  ■points that can be snapped to by         ■prompting the user for three corners of  ■a parallelogram (the first corner estab- ■lishes the origin) that will become the  ■area covered by the grid.  The system the■then prompts for an origin point and an  ■offset point.  The distance between these■points establish the spacing of the      ■points on the grid.                      ■                                         ■[Edit]{Cadcam}{Ucs}{ucstoSurf} - This    ■command sets the X axis to run along a   ■selected line segment.  The UCS is then  ■adjusted to the line segment's surface.  ■----------->  End UCS Menu  <------------■íëå~ â╛~ tΘhhìFΩPÜΘ╙£─            * Touchup Menu *     (Pg 99) ■=========================================■                                         ■[Edit]{Touchup} - This menu system is    ■identical to that of the {Edit}[CAD/CAM] ■menu system.  This menu allows the user  ■to "Touchup" a file without making the   ■changes permanent.  The user can then    ■add different annotations to the same    ■file, print them out and have no fear    ■that the original file has been altered. ■There are certain commands that will     ■permanently alter the original file.     ■These include using the {Grup} or {Mdfy} ■menus on any part of the original file.  ■You may however use these commands on    ■any objects that you have created while  ■in the touchup menus without fear of     ■altering the original file.              ■--------->  End Touchup Menu  <----------■╗ÜÜì^▓Üì^║Ü╗Üï₧            * PrintEd Menu *     (Pg 100)■=========================================■                                         ■This menu system allows the user to      ■make changes to previously created "Print■Files".  See [Output]{Print}{PrintFile}  ■<Create>.  As these files correspond     ■exactly to the bitmap that the printer   ■will print, they can be edited like      ■bitmap files.  This allows the user to   ■draw a border around the picture or edit ■small mistakes made during the <Create>  ■process.                                 ■   When {PrintEd} is first selected a    ■list menu will appear with the names of  ■all "PrintFiles" that are available. Once■the user has selected a "PrintFile", the ■screen will blank and a rectangle within ■a rectangle will appear.  The outer      ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■DIM     BAS äy┼%╣INSTALL1            * PrintEd Menu *     (Pg 101)■=========================================■                                         ■rectangle represents the piece of paper  ■that the printfile is sized for while the■inner box represents the amount of the   ■printfile that the user can work on at   ■any one time.  Because printfiles may    ■represent hundreds of thousands or even  ■millions of dots there is normally not   ■enough space on the screen to show all   ■the file.  By using the arrow keys or    ■mouse you may move the inner box to the  ■part of the file you wish to edit.       ■Pressing the "Enter" key or mouse left   ■button will load that particular section ■of the printfile to the screen.  A       ■bracket menu will then appear at the top ■of the screen, that provides several     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ â                 ≡                          * PrintEd Menu *     (Pg 102)■=========================================■                                         ■editing functions.                       ■                                         ■[Edit]{PrintEd}<Draw> - This command     ■allows the user to use a freehand drawing■tool.  A cursor will appear on the screen■that can be controlled by the mouse or   ■the arrow keys (and numeric keypad) in   ■conjunction with the "Scroll Lock" key.  ■                                         ■Mouse: To draw, hold down mouse left     ■button while moving mouse.  Releasing    ■button allows cursor to move without     ■drawing.  Press mouse right button to    ■return to {PrintEd} bracket menu.        ■                                         ■Keyboard: To draw, toggle "Scroll Lock"  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■                                  °            * PrintEd Menu *     (Pg 103)■=========================================■                                         ■key to on.  Use numeric keypad and shift ■keys in normal manner (User Input).  To  ■move cursor without drawing, toggle      ■"Scroll Lock" key to off.  Press the     ■"Escape" key to return to the {PrintEd}  ■bracket menu.                            ■                                         ■[Edit]{PrintEd}<Line> - This command     ■allows the user to draw a line in a      ■fashion similar to the [Edit]{CAD/CAM}   ■{Line}{Line} command.                    ■                                         ■[Edit]{PrintEd}<Blot> - This command is  ■similar to the <Draw> command except that■an intermediate menu comes up that allows■the user to set the thickness of the     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■            99 ƒƒ9≤ ƒƒττ ÿ     ∙∙            * PrintEd Menu *     (Pg 104)■=========================================■                                         ■drawing tool or turn the drawing tool    ■into an erasing tool.                    ■                                         ■[Edit]{PrintEd}<Fill> - This command     ■allows the user to do pattern matching   ■and filling.  The system will place a    ■rectangular cursor on the screen and     ■prompt the user to select the fill style.■By placing this cursor so that it falls  ■on the pattern that needs to be duplicat-■ed and pressing the mouse left button or ■"Enter" key the system will retrieve this■pattern.  Due to bugs in the Microsoft   ■fill routines this pattern is analyzed to■see if it can be used.  If not, the      ■system attempts to fix the pattern.  This■------------->  More Down  <-------------■(       Ç            * PrintEd Menu *     (Pg 105)■=========================================■                                         ■may result in a pattern that does not    ■match exactly.(See Problems)             ■The system then prompts the user to      ■select a fill point.  The system will    ■then fill the object with the selected   ■pattern.  Remember that the pattern will ■leak through holes in the surrounding    ■surface.  If the pattern or the fill is  ■not satisfactory, choose the <Reload>    ■command discussed later in this chapter. ■                                         ■[Edit]{PrintEd}<BitPan> - Allows the user■to pan to a different section of the     ■printfile.  This is similar to the       ■routine discussed at the beginning of the■section, only there is a third rectangle ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç                   * PrintEd Menu *     (Pg 106)■=========================================■                                         ■that represents the area that is current-■ly loaded.  This allows the user to guage■what part of the printfile they are      ■selecting more accurately.               ■                                         ■[Edit]{PrintEd}<ReLoad> - This allows the■user to clear any mistakes they have made■during editing of the file.  The system  ■will reload the file to the condition it ■was in before the last <BitPan>.         ■                                         ■[Edit]{PrintEd}<Exit> - This command     ■takes the user back to the main menu and ■reloads any files that were in use before■entering [Edit]{PrintEd}.                ■                                         ■---------->  End PrintEd Menu  <---------■Ç             * Output Menu *     (Pg 107)■=========================================■                                         ■[Output]{Print}{Printer}≈ - This command ■allows the user to select a print driver.■Because print drivers are limited to a   ■maximum of 8 letters, the print drivers  ■included with the system use a special   ■lettering system to establish what the   ■print driver is used for.                ■   The first two letters establish the   ■name of the company that designed the    ■printing algorythm.                      ■                                         ■IB - This includes all 24 pin "Pro"      ■series models made by I.B.M..            ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç~P@╞             * Output Menu *     (Pg 108)■=========================================■                                         ■EP - Epson This includes virtually all   ■graphics capable , 8 and 24 pin printers ■made by Epson.                           ■                                         ■HP - Hewlett-Packard Laserjet printer    ■                                         ■TA - Tandy DMP2000 series printer        ■                                         ■   Virtually all printers being manufact-■ured for the I.B.M. personal computer.   ■market, can emulate one or more of these ■printers, so look in your printer manual ■to discover which apply.  One notable    ■exception is the daisy wheel printer     ■which has no true graphics capability.   ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç ≡@Ç╞|<`■~@             * Output Menu *     (Pg 109)■=========================================■                                         ■   The third and fourth letters define   ■the number of pins the printer has, ie   ■"08" would be 8 pins, "24" would be 24   ■pins and "01" would be a laser.          ■   The fifth letter will be a "D" for dot■matrix printers and an "L" for laser     ■printers                                 ■   The sixth, seventh and eighth letters ■describe the horizontal resolution of the■printer in dots per inch.  "300" would be■300 dots per inch while "060" would be 60■dots per inch.                           ■eg. EP24D180 - Epson or compatible 24 pin■dot matrix printer at 180 dots per inch. ■IB08D120 - I.B.M. or compatible 8 pin dot■matrix printer at 120 dots per inch.     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ⁿ╞└╞╠╞ â             * Output Menu *     (Pg 110)■=========================================■                                         ■HP01L150 - Hewlett Packard Laserjet (C)  ■or compatible laser printer at 150 dots  ■per inch.                                ■                                         ■[Output]{Print}{Port} - This command     ■allows the user to select the printer    ■port used for output. (Lpt1-3, Com1-4)   ■                                         ■[Output]{Print}{Shading} - This command  ■enables an algorythm that converts the   ■color on the screen to a 2 x 2 black and ■white pattern on the printer.  This      ■causes the picture to become twice as    ■large in each direction when the         ■{QuikPrint} command is used.  The reso-  ■lution halves when {PrintFile} is used.  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■(             * Output Menu *     (Pg 111)■=========================================■                                         ■[Output]{Print}{PrintFile}<Create> - This■command forms a "printfile" out of the   ■view contained in the current window.  A ■"printfile" is a file that contains the  ■information needed to produce a printout ■at the full resolution of the print      ■driver to the width of one page.  The    ■length of the printout is determined by  ■the shape of the current window.  The    ■length of the printfile will be the same ■proportion to the width of the file as   ■the width of the current window is to    ■it's length.  This means that a long thin■window would produce a long printfile    ■while a stubby window would produce a    ■short printfile.                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç        └               * Output Menu *     (Pg 112)■=========================================■                                         ■   The system will prompt for the name of■the printfile and append ".PFL" to the   ■name given before creating it.           ■   The system will then present a bracket■menu that shows what size of file will be■created as well as the number of redraws ■the system will have to do in order to   ■create it.  The <Continuous> option will ■then automatically piece together a non  ■hidden line view of the drawing.         ■   The <Touchup> option will stop between■each redraw and present a bracket menu   ■that allows the user to produce hidden   ■line views of the object.  The options in■this menu correspond directly to the     ■options available in the [Edit]{CAD/CAM} ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■             * Output Menu *     (Pg 113)■=========================================■                                         ■{Rdrw} menu.  The name used in the       ■bracket menu is matched with the same    ■command in the {Rdrw} menu in the table. ■                                         ■<Cont>  - Continue                       ■<Abort> - Deletes file and aborts        ■<Qhide> - {Rdrw}{QuickHide}              ■<LHide> - {Rdrw}{HiddenLine}             ■<OutLn> - {Rdrw}{OutlinSurf}             ■<FSurf> - {Rdrw}{FillSurf}               ■<LSurf> - {Rdrw}{LinSurf}                ■<DLay>  - {Rdrw}{DrawLayer}              ■                                         ■The [Draw] menu is active during <OutLn>,■<FSurf> and <LSurf> so all commands in   ■this menu are available as well.         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■@cα ÇX             * Output Menu *     (Pg 114)■=========================================■                                         ■[Output]{Print}{PrintFile}<Print> - This ■command presents a list of "printfiles"  ■to print.  Once a file is selected the   ■user will be warned to put the printer   ■on line and the file will be printed.    ■                                         ■[Output]{Print}{QuikPrint} - This command■will draw two rectangles on the screen,  ■one within the other.  The outer rect-   ■angle represents a piece of paper while  ■the other represents the placement of the■picture on the page.  The inner rectangle■may be moved with the mouse or arrow keys■to change the position.  A line will also■form at the bottom of the current window ■indicating the final print row to print. ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç             * Output Menu *     (Pg 115)■=========================================■                                         ■This is necessary because the window may ■not format exactly to the number of pins ■in the printer.  When "Enter" or mouse   ■left button is pressed the window will be■dumped to the printer.  "Escape" aborts. ■                                         ■[Output]{Print}{Exit} - This command     ■exits back to the main menu.             ■                                         ■[Output]{Plot} - Refer to the subject,   ■"Plotting" on page 2, column 1 of the    ■help index.                              ■                                         ■[Output]{Driver} - This command allows   ■the user to define and creates their own ■custom print drivers.  The full procedure■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç             * Output Menu *     (Pg 116)■=========================================■                                         ■for doing this is beyond the scope of    ■this help system but a look at the print ■drivers in the "Print Drivers" section of■the help index and the brief descriptions■below of each prompt may help.           ■                                         ■"Setup code =" - The system is looking   ■for an escape sequence that puts the     ■printer into the proper mode of operat-  ■ion.  The system accepts one decimal     ■number between 0 and 255 at a time.      ■Pressing "Enter" enters the code and     ■takes the user back to the same prompt.  ■Pressing "Escape" finishes the operation ■and takes the user to the next prompt.   ■Usually these codes are "Escape"         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç x             * Output Menu *     (Pg 117)■=========================================■                                         ■sequences so the first number is normally■"27", the ASCII equivalent of "Escape".  ■This is a good place to set a top of form■sequence as well.                        ■                                         ■"Line start code =" - At this prompt type■in the escape sequence that starts a line■of graphics.                             ■                                         ■"Name code (Epson, IBM, Tandy, HP) =" -  ■Use an ascii table and type in each      ■letter of the name as the eqivalent      ■decimal ascii code. eg "Epson" is 69     ■"Enter" 112 "Enter" 115 "Enter" 111      ■"Enter" 110 "Enter" "Escape".  Note that ■the letter sequence may be upper or lower■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç Ç             * Output Menu *     (Pg 118)■=========================================■                                         ■case.  I.B.M. 8 pin printers use "Epson".■                                         ■"Tail code =" - The system is looking for■the code that terminates the "Line start ■code" sequence. eg for IBM 24 pin        ■printers this code would be "11".  Most  ■other printers do not use this code.  For■other printers, including the I.B.M. 8   ■pin printers, simply press "Escape" when ■this code is prompted for.  I.B.M. 8 pin ■printers use Epson coding.               ■                                         ■                                         ■"CRLF code =" - This refers to the car-  ■iage return, line feed sequence.  It is  ■13 "Enter" 10 "Enter" "Escape" on most   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■  @             * Output Menu *     (Pg 119)■=========================================■                                         ■printers other than laser.  Press        ■"Escape" for lasers.                     ■                                         ■"Form feed code =" - Type in decimal     ■ascii form feed code. eg I.B.M. printers ■use "12".                                ■                                         ■"Number of pins =" - Type in number of   ■pins printer has.  Use "1" for lasers.   ■                                         ■"Total pin columns =" - Type in total    ■number of pin columns across 1 page. eg  ■HP Laserjet at 300 dpi would be "2400"   ■for an 8 inch wide page.                 ■                                         ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ÇÇ└             * Output Menu *     (Pg 120)■=========================================■                                         ■"Columns per inch =" - Type in the number■of print columns in an inch. eg Epson    ■in quadruple density mode would be "240".■                                         ■"Rows per inch =" - Type in number of    ■print rows vertically per inch.          ■eg. I.B.M. (C) 24 pin printer would be   ■"216" in 24 pin modes.                   ■                                         ■"Print driver name >" Type in name of    ■print driver or press "Escape" to abort. ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■---------->  End Output Menu  <----------■ @             * System Menu *     (Pg 121)■=========================================■                                         ■[System]{Video} - This command allows the■user to select one of three video modes, ■two of which work on EGA or VGA monitors ■and one of which works only on VGA       ■monitors and video cards.  This command  ■is also a convenient way of rebooting    ■PrintCADD-3D to permit resetting of      ■directories or optimization paths.  These■are discussed later in this section.  It ■does not reboot DOS.                     ■                                         ■[System]{Colors} - This command will lead■to a drop down menu that contains the    ■names of various menus and prompts whose ■color can be set.  Once selected the     ■system will reveal another drop down menu■------------->  More Down  <-------------■└Ç             * System Menu *     (Pg 122)■=========================================■                                         ■that allows the user to select the color.■                                         ■[System]{Pallette} - This command allows ■the user to set the color of any avail-  ■able color to a different hue.  The exact■nature of the manner in which this is    ■done depends on the video mode.  You will■either set red, green and blue intensity ■levels or simply type in the number of   ■the color you wish to use for this spot  ■in the color menu.                       ■                                         ■[System]{Mouse} - Select Microsoft if you■have a Microsoft or Microsoft compatible ■mouse and driver.                        ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ Ç             * System Menu *     (Pg 123)■=========================================■                                         ■[System]{Keyboard} - Select the keyboard ■that best describes your keyboard.       ■                                         ■[System]{Directry} - This command sets   ■the directories that the system will use ■for several types of files.              ■                                         ■{Drawing} - Select this to change where  ■PrintCADD 3-D holds the drawing files.   ■                                         ■{Part/Font} - Select this to change where■the system looks for part and font files.■                                         ■{Output} - This allows the user to select■where PrintFiles and Plot files go.      ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç             * System Menu *     (Pg 124)■=========================================■                                         ■{Displist} - The system produces display ■list files that are paged into the       ■directory of the users choice.  If the   ■directory is on a RAM disk, certain      ■operations may be speeded up.  This      ■option is only useful on files that are  ■longer than 6550 elements.               ■                                         ■{Optimise} - This option allows the user ■to select a directory that the drawing   ■file will be copied to before use.  The  ■system will then use this copy of the    ■original file for editing purposes.      ■After the user has finished editing the  ■current drawing, the software will prompt■the user, "Save current edits ? < Yes >  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Ç             * System Menu *     (Pg 125)■=========================================■                                         ■< No >".  If the user selects <Yes>, the ■system will then copy the edited drawing ■back to the drawing directory otherwise  ■the edits will not be saved.  If used,   ■the optimise directory must be different ■than the drawing directory.   If the     ■optimise directory is on a RAM disk,     ■regenerations and other operations will  ■improve substantially.  This option also ■makes it less likely that the original   ■file can be corrupted due to power       ■failure or static lockup.  This is       ■because the system is working on the copy■rather than the original.                ■                                         ■                                         ■---------->  End System Menu  <----------■ÇÇ` Ç               * Help Menu *      (Pg 126)■=========================================■                                         ■   There are two ways of invoking help in■PrintCADD 3-D.  The user may invoke it by■selecting [Help]{Index} or they may press■the "F1" function key at any time.       ■Similarly, the tutor system can be       ■reached by selecting [Help]{Tutor} or by ■pressing the "F2" function key.  The "F1"■key, however, takes the user to an inter-■mediate menu that will either supply     ■context sensitive help or take the user  ■to the index.  When "F1" is pressed, the ■user will see the menu, "< Context >     ■< Index > < Exit >".  The <Context>      ■option takes the user to the beginning of■the section that deals with that menu    ■item.  The user may have to page down    ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■└└Ç              * Help Menu *      (Pg 127)■=========================================■                                         ■several pages to find the exact entry for■their item.  The reason for this is that ■the help builds on this preceding        ■information and may offer only a small   ■amount of help on the one item.          ■   The <Index> option takes the user to a■screen that contains many topics.  The   ■topics are arranged according to their   ■appearance in the menu tree.  Select a   ■topic to get help on it or use the "Page ■Up" and "Page Down" keys to get other    ■index screens.                           ■                                         ■[Help]{Index} - Same as "F1" <Index>     ■                                         ■[Help]{Tutor} or "F2" - Making this      ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■  °               * Help Menu *      (Pg 128)■=========================================■                                         ■selection takes the user to a menu that  ■continues with the <Current> lesson,     ■<Next> lesson, <Previous> lesson or the  ■<First> lesson.                          ■                                         ■[Help]{HelpEdit} - The <Edit> option     ■allows the user to edit the index (Pg 3) ■or the help files, (171-200).  The link  ■option prompts the user for the column   ■and row number of the index page and the ■page of help to link it to.              ■                                         ■[Help]{Rescue} - This command resets     ■colors and other parts of the system back■to reasonable values.  Try this before   ■deleting "PRCAD.DEF".                    ■----------->  End Help Menu  <-----------■@            * Installation *     (Pg 129)■=========================================■                                         ■   Make a directory and copy the contents■of the PrintCADD-3D disk to the direct-  ■ory.  Use the DOS "CD" command to select ■this directory and type "Prcad""Enter".  ■The system will automatically prompt the ■user for the video (See [System]{Video}) ■and then reboot PrintCADD into this video■mode.  The user should then go to the    ■[System] menu and set the various        ■defaults.  The next time the system is   ■used, it will remember all of these      ■settings.  PrintCADD-3D requires an EGA  ■or VGA adaptor and 540K of free memory.  ■In certain cases the "Files =" DOS       ■environmental variable may have to be set■to a higher value.                       ■--------->  End Installation  <----------■ `É @@  Ç          * Associated Files *   (Pg 130)■=========================================■                                         ■   PrintCADD-3D uses several different   ■files while in use.  The files and how   ■they are used is explained below.        ■                                         ■Drawing (*.GVF) - These files are where  ■PrintCADD-3D keeps the drawing inform-   ■ation in a three dimensional format.     ■                                         ■Font (*.FNT) - These files contain fonts.■                                         ■Prcad.def - This file contains configur- ■ation information.  Delete this file if  ■PrintCADD-3D does not start properly.  It■may be that it contains VGA installation ■information and your monitor is EGA.  The■file will be rebuilt automatically.  This■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ÇêN└ "          * Associated Files *   (Pg 131)■=========================================■                                         ■file also contains any user patterns that■have been designed for the system.       ■                                         ■Layer files (*.LYR) - PrintCADD-3D also  ■makes a layer file for each drawing or   ■font that is created.  The layer file for■the font may be erased when done, but the■layer file for the drawing is integral to■the drawing and must be copied along with■the drawing file when transferring files ■between systems.                         ■                                         ■Printfiles (*.PFL) - These files contain ■bitmapped picture information formatted  ■to a particular printer.  These files may■be edited with the {Edit}[PrintEd] menu. ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ :8`ÇêÇ          * Associated Files *   (Pg 132)■=========================================■                                         ■Print drivers (*.PRD) - These files      ■contain the information needed to create,■edit and print "printfiles" and do       ■[QuikPrint]'s for a particular printer.  ■                                         ■Prcad.hlp - This file contains help text.■                                         ■Redraw files (PAG*.2DF) - PrintCADD-3D   ■allocates file space from the current    ■directory or the [System][Optimize]      ■<Redraw> directory as needed.  The space ■for the first 6550 elements (Els) in the ■drawing is allocated within the program. ■When this space runs out, space for an   ■additional 6550 elements is allocated    ■from the disk.  These files are only     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■a@          * Associated Files *   (Pg 133)■=========================================■                                         ■used while PrintCADD-3D is running and   ■may be deleted after a session without   ■fears of causing problems.  Use the      ■[System]{Optimize} command to allocate   ■space for these files on a RAM disk.     ■                                         ■Prcad.tut - the tutor information file   ■                                         ■Surface parts (*.SRF) - These files are  ■essentially a 2 character font that has  ■been renamed with the ".SRF" extension.  ■                                         ■HPGL (c) files (*.HPG) - These files are ■created by PrintCADD 3-D when the user   ■has selected "File" via the <Port> option■in the [Output] {Plot} menu.             ■------->  End Associated Files  <--------■Ç              * Maximums *       (Pg 134)■=========================================■                                         ■Maximum Drawing size - 9,999,999 bytes   ■                                         ■Maximum Units - 10,000,000               ■                                         ■Smallest Unit - .000001                  ■                                         ■Directory List - First 256 entries       ■                                         ■Characters per font - 223                ■                                         ■Data Type - 32 bit floating point        ■                                         ■Selection sets - Set by use of the       ■                 {Vars}{Groupsiz} command■                 and available memory    ■                                         ■----------->  End Maximums  <------------■Ç0Ç          * Tips & Techniques *  (Pg 135)■=========================================■                                         ■Simulated colors - Use system pattern    ■"B" and blend background and foreground  ■colors to simulate other colors.         ■                                         ■Surf Parts - By placing the standard     ■entities (circles, curves, rectangles    ■etc.) in surf part files you will be able■to create these entities in several other■fashions. (Box, Between, left / right    ■justified and centered)                  ■                                         ■Use extended and expanded memory as a RAM■disk and use optimise option for maximum ■performance.                             ■                                         ■The scale of a printfile may be determ-  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■@p@ü           * Tips & Techniques *  (Pg 136)■=========================================■                                         ■ined by dividing the "Winsiz =" readout  ■at the top of the window by the page     ■width. eg. "Winsiz = 10' x 12'" page     ■width = 8" therefore scale = 120" to 8"  ■or 15 to 1.                              ■                                         ■Changing the number of print columns to a■number less than the printer actually has■can result in different sized plots. (See■[Output]{Driver})                        ■                                         ■To measure distances use the {Line}{Line}■command and place one end of the line at ■one end of the distance to be measured   ■then use a snap with the <Moveto> option ■and examine the "D=" readout for distance■------------->  More Down  <-------------■└Ç8Ç          * Tips & Techniques *  (Pg 137)■=========================================■                                         ■If a snap does not work, it is because   ■the snap point does not fall within the  ■view of the current window or the 3-D    ■cursor will extend to a point in front of■the view point.  Use the {Zoom}          ■{reCenter} command or set the view point ■further back.                            ■                                         ■If the system does not perform a "Hide"  ■on all surfaces, set the {Vars} {Grupsiz}■to a lower value.  This will allow the   ■system access to the memory set aside for■groups.                                  ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■------->  End Tips & Techniques  <-------■╚         * Problems/Solutions *  (Pg 138)■=========================================■                                         ■Cursor is not in window. - normally the  ■cursor is not allowed to leave window but■if the 3-D cursor is too far away from   ■the eye it will vanish into the distance.■Relocate the cursor or use one of the    ■{Zoom} commands to bring cursor back into■view.  Another reason for the cursor     ■dissapearing is when a {Regenerate}<Auto>■command is used in "Perspective" viewing ■mode it may place the cursor behind the  ■viewing position.  In most instances the ■cursor will blink to indicate this.      ■Use the [Draw]{Moveto} command to move   ■the cursor to a point in front of the    ■view.  You may also switch to a parallel ■projection. {Wndw}{Projection}<Parallel> ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■08         * Problems/Solutions *  (Pg 139)■=========================================■                                         ■This program was designed using a combin-■ation of Microsoft  Basic Professional   ■Development System V 7.0 and Microsoft   ■Macro Assembler V 5.0, so questions as   ■to the math libraries and video modes can■be answered in their documentation.      ■                                         ■The paint algorythm used by Microsoft    ■in their more recent basic compilers has ■a bug in it.  The five line basic program■shown on the next page will lock the     ■computer.  To this end, we have gone to  ■great lengths to prevent this type of    ■problem.  This is the reason that the    ■pattern matching tool may not match the  ■pattern "grabbed".  You may also see     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■â~╪tΘóáâ▒    áüÄ▒╟╟Ç?╟         * Problems/Solutions *  (Pg 140)■=========================================■                                         ■warning messages while editing patterns. ■                                         ■'*** Warning - Computer will lock ***    ■SCREEN 12                     'Set video ■LINE (10, 10)-(200, 200), , B 'Draw box  ■LINE (12, 20)-(192, 20)       'Draw line ■c$ = STRING$(15, 0) + CHR$(1) 'Pattern   ■PAINT (50, 50), c$            'Fill      ■                                         ■I have an EGA adaptor but my screen won't■come up. - Delete "Prcad.DEF" file it may■contain VGA information.                 ■                                         ■Drawing has dissapeared - Check to make  ■sure the layers are on.  Make sure the   ■view has not been turned away from the   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■┼ ╕#%═!ZX╦╧         * Problems/Solutions *  (Pg 141)■=========================================■                                         ■object or drawing.  Try a combination of ■{Zoom}{Limits} and {Rdrw}{Regen-New}.    ■                                         ■Surf and Els readouts are valid only     ■after a {Rdrw}{Regenerate} command.      ■                                         ■If you have a 386 or 486 with expanded   ■memory you may buy a special version of  ■PrintCADD-3D that uses substantially less■conventional memory.  This may also work ■on other computers with LIM 4.0 as well  ■but has not been tested.  There is also  ■a version that's faster, more precise and■uses less conventional memory on systems ■that have math coprocessors.  See        ■"Versions" in help for more details.     ■------>  End Problems/Solutions  <-------■╣¡çëD■CCΓ÷^├╗,m═5╗«nΦÇ■£r╗╛n╣₧nΦ¥r            * Future Trends *    (Pg 142)■=========================================■                                         ■   PrintCADD 3-D is committed to         ■producing a  very high quality CAD system■for the shareware marketplace.  We       ■believe that because this is a "user     ■supported product", that we will do our  ■utmost to listen to these users.         ■   The users are, in fact, the "drivers" ■and we don't want them "crashing".  If   ■you have a like, dislike, suggestion,    ■idea or bug, write a letter or give us a ■call.  You "will" be listened to.        ■   We are currently working on a Windows ■version, DXF file exchange as well as    ■more editing commands.  Contact us to see■what is new.  This system is current as  ■of June 1, 1992.                         ■--------->  End Future Trends  <---------■            * Print Drivers *    (Pg 143)■=========================================■                                         ■                Legend                   ■-----------------------------------------■   "Ent" - press "Enter" key             ■   "Esc" - Press "Escape" key            ■   (142) - Type number in brackets       ■   'IB08D180' - Type name in quotes      ■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■Epson     8 pin 60 DPI Standard Density  ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(65)"Ent"(8)"Ent"(27)"Ent"(67)  ■"Ent"(0)"Ent"(11)"Ent""Esc"(27)"Ent"(75) ■"Ent""Esc"(69)"Ent"(112)"Ent"(115)"Ent"  ■(111)"Ent"(110)"Ent""Esc""Esc"(13)"Ent"  ■(10)"Ent""Esc"(12)"Ent""Esc"(8)"Ent"(480)■"Ent"(60)"Ent"(60)"Ent"'EP08D060'"Ent"   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■╕D═!÷┬Çt÷┬uák▒KtΦΦ├2└┤3═!êΦn2╥░            * Print Drivers *    (Pg 144)■=========================================■                                         ■Epson     8 pin 120 DPI Double Density   ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(65)"Ent"(8)"Ent"(27)"Ent"(67)  ■"Ent"(0)"Ent"(11)"Ent""Esc"(27)"Ent"(76) ■"Ent""Esc"(69)"Ent"(112)"Ent"(115)"Ent"  ■(111)"Ent"(110)"Ent""Esc""Esc"(13)"Ent"  ■(10)"Ent""Esc"(12)"Ent""Esc"(8)"Ent"(960)■"Ent"(120)"Ent"(60)"Ent"'EP08D120'"Ent"  ■                                         ■Epson     8 pin 240 DPI Quadruple Density■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(65)"Ent"(8)"Ent"(27)"Ent"(67)  ■"Ent"(0)"Ent"(11)"Ent""Esc"(27)"Ent"(90) ■"Ent""Esc"(69)"Ent"(112)"Ent"(115)"Ent"  ■(111)"Ent"(110)"Ent""Esc""Esc"(13)"Ent"  ■(10)"Ent""Esc"(12)"Ent""Esc"(8)"Ent"     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■Φ∙Äîr&ï4Y&ëL ì|∙ï'lV╛ªk≤ñ^[&Ç|u &╟E            * Print Drivers *    (Pg 145)■=========================================■                                         ■(1920)"Ent"(240)"Ent"(60)"Ent"'EP08D240' ■"Ent"                                    ■                                         ■Epson     24 pin 180 DPI Triple Density  ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(65)"Ent"(8)"Ent"(27)"Ent"(67)  ■"Ent"(0)"Ent"(11)"Ent""Esc"(27)"Ent"(42) ■"Ent"(39)"Ent""Esc"(69)"Ent"(112)"Ent"   ■(115)"Ent"(111)"Ent"(110)"Ent""Esc""Esc" ■(13)"Ent"(10)"Ent""Esc"(12)"Ent""Esc"(24)■"Ent"(1440)"Ent"(180)"Ent"(180)"Ent"     ■'EP24D180'"Ent"                          ■                                         ■I.B.M.     8 pin 60 DPI Standard Density ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(65)"Ent"(8)"Ent"(27)"Ent"(50)  ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■[├Uï∞ïF
  16. ΣtΘ░Uï∞ïFè▄Çπ≡ÇΣê&φnê∞n
  17. πtΦ            * Print Drivers *    (Pg 146)■=========================================■                                         ■"Ent"(27)"Ent"(67)"Ent"(0)"Ent"(11)"Ent" ■"Esc"(27)"Ent"(75)"Ent""Esc"(69)"Ent"    ■(112)"Ent"(115)"Ent"(111)"Ent"(110)"Ent" ■"Esc""Esc"(13)"Ent"(10)"Ent""Esc"(12)    ■"Ent""Esc"(8)"Ent"(480)"Ent"(60)"Ent"(72)■"Ent"'IB08D060'"Ent"                     ■                                         ■I.B.M.     8 pin 120 DPI Double Density  ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(65)"Ent"(8)"Ent"(27)"Ent"(50)  ■"Ent"(27)"Ent"(67)"Ent"(0)"Ent"(11)"Ent" ■"Esc"(27)"Ent"(76)"Ent""Esc"(69)"Ent"    ■(112)"Ent"(115)"Ent"(111)"Ent"(110)"Ent" ■"Esc""Esc"(13)"Ent"(10)"Ent""Esc"(12)    ■"Ent""Esc"(8)"Ent"(960)"Ent"(120)"Ent"   ■(72)"Ent"'IB08D120'"Ent"                 ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■èΦ u≈G║é6ë>·n├<\t</├W¿uI∙Aü∙üw¥¼¬
  18.             * Print Drivers *    (Pg 147)■=========================================■                                         ■I.B.M.     24 pin 180 DPI Triple Density ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(65)"Ent"(8)"Ent"(27)"Ent"(50)  ■"Ent"(27)"Ent"(67)"Ent"(0)"Ent"(11)"Ent" ■"Esc"(27)"Ent"(91)"Ent"(103)"Ent""Esc"   ■(73)"Ent"(66)"Ent"(77)"Ent""Esc"(11)"Ent"■"Esc"(13)"Ent"(10)"Ent""Esc"(12)"Ent"    ■"Esc"(24)"Ent"(1440)"Ent"(180)"Ent"(216) ■"Ent"'IB24D180'"Ent"                     ■                                         ■Tandy     DMP 2100 24 pin 180 DPI        ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(52)"Ent"(66)"Ent""Esc"(27)"Ent"■(73)"Ent""Esc"(84)"Ent"(97)"Ent"(110)    ■"Ent"(100)"Ent"(121)"Ent""Esc""Esc"(27)  ■"Ent"(71)"Ent"(27)"Ent"(16)"Ent"(0)"Ent" ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■            * Print Drivers *    (Pg 148)■=========================================■                                         ■(0)"Ent""Esc"(12)"Ent""Esc"(24)"Ent"     ■(2448)"Ent"(180)"Ent"(200)"Ent"          ■'TA24D180'"Ent"                          ■                                         ■Hewlett Packard LaserJet     150 DPI     ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(42)"Ent"(116)"Ent"(49)"Ent"(53)■"Ent"(48)"Ent"(82)"Ent""Esc""Esc"(72)    ■"Ent"(80)"Ent""Esc""Esc""Esc"(27)"Ent"   ■(42)"Ent"(114)"Ent"(66)"Ent""Esc"(1)"Ent"■(1200)"Ent"(150)"Ent"(150)"Ent"'HP01L150'■"Ent"                                    ■                                         ■Hewlett Packard LaserJet     300 DPI     ■-----------------------------------------■(27)"Ent"(42)"Ent"(116)"Ent"(51)"Ent"(48)■------------->  More Down  <-------------■êâkY├<ar<zw$▀├ç┌≈ßPRô≈ßZr┬ÆX├├╕5═!            * Print Drivers *    (Pg 149)■=========================================■                                         ■"Ent"(48)"Ent"(82)"Ent""Esc""Esc"(72)    ■"Ent"(80)"Ent""Esc""Esc""Esc"(27)"Ent"   ■(42)"Ent"(114)"Ent"(66)"Ent""Esc"(1)"Ent"■(2400)"Ent"(300)"Ent"(300)"Ent"'HP01L150'■"Ent"                                    ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■            * Print Drivers *    (Pg 150)■=========================================■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■--------->  End Printer Drivers  <-------■ΦZ[Xï_δß├ï╝l █tG
  19. î_ï_δ∩├Φ             * ASCII Table *     (Pg 151)■=========================================■                                         ■Code|Char|Code|Char|Code|Char|Code|Char  ■----|----|----|----|----|----|----|------■ 32 |    | 46 | .  | 60 | <  | 74 | J    ■ 33 | !  | 47 | /  | 61 | =  | 75 | K    ■ 34 | "  | 48 | 0  | 62 | >  | 76 | L    ■ 35 | #  | 49 | 1  | 63 | ?  | 77 | M    ■ 36 | $  | 50 | 2  | 64 | @  | 78 | N    ■ 37 | %  | 51 | 3  | 65 | A  | 79 | O    ■ 38 | &  | 52 | 4  | 66 | B  | 80 | P    ■ 39 | '  | 53 | 5  | 67 | C  | 81 | Q    ■ 40 | (  | 54 | 6  | 68 | D  | 82 | R    ■ 41 | )  | 55 | 7  | 69 | E  | 83 | S    ■ 42 | *  | 56 | 8  | 70 | F  | 84 | T    ■ 43 | +  | 57 | 9  | 71 | G  | 85 | U    ■ 44 | ,  | 58 | :  | 72 | H  | 86 | V    ■ 45 | -  | 59 | ;  | 73 | I  | 87 | W    ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■PP             * ASCII Table *     (Pg 152)■=========================================■                                         ■Code|Char|Code|Char|Code|Char|           ■----|----|----|----|----|----|           ■ 88 | X  |102 | f  |116 | t  |           ■ 89 | Y  |103 | g  |117 | u  |           ■ 90 | Z  |104 | h  |118 | v  |           ■ 91 | [  |105 | i  |119 | w  |           ■ 92 | \  |106 | j  |120 | x  |           ■ 93 | ]  |107 | k  |121 | y  |           ■ 94 | ^  |108 | l  |122 | z  |           ■ 95 | _  |109 | m  |123 | {  |           ■ 96 | `  |110 | n  |124 | |  |           ■ 97 | a  |111 | o  |125 | }  |           ■ 98 | b  |112 | p  |126 | ~  |           ■ 99 | c  |113 | q  |127 |   |           ■100 | d  |114 | r  |    |    |           ■101 | e  |115 | s  |    |    |           ■---------->  End ASCII Table  <----------■Φ?jjjhjhh$
  20. ÜæΦ?jh╚jhh.ÜæΦ?              * Versions *       (Pg 153)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■When a user orders PrintCADD 3-D, they   ■will be sent several versions of the     ■program that have been optimised for     ■different hardware configurations.  The  ■optimisations and their purposes are     ■discussed below.                         ■                                         ■L.I.M. - This optimisation allows the    ■user to use expanded memory (L.I.M. 4.0) ■for larger selection sets and ability to ■run with less main memory.  Needed for   ■running under Windows 3.0 or other       ■similar environment.                     ■                                         ■286-486 - This option allows the user to ■take advantage of the more efficient     ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■(╟(╟»╟O╟$╟&╟(╟*              * Versions *       (Pg 154)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■instruction sets found on 286, 386 and   ■486 computers.  Better program speed and ■smaller memory requirements.             ■                                         ■Math coprocessor - This option improves  ■the speed, accuracy and memory           ■requirements of PrintCADD 3-D.  A math   ■coprocessor is required for this version ■to work.                                 ■                                         ■Program versions:                        ■1) No optimise - runs on any IBM or      ■compatible with 550K free RAM            ■2) Math                                  ■3) LIM                                   ■4) 286                                   ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■\
  21. ï≤┐"Φ╜≈╛£╗\
  22. ï≤┐2Φ¼≈╛£╗\
  23. ï≤┐@              * Versions *       (Pg 155)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■5) 286 + Math                            ■6) 286 + LIM                             ■7) 286 + LIM + Math                      ■                                         ■If the user wishes to try one of these   ■versions they must send a cheque or money■order for $12.50 ($15.00 Can.) to        ■Birdseue Enterprises Ltd.  Send a letter ■stating disk size and return address or  ■use the order form shown under "Order    ■Form" in the help index.  You will be    ■sent a complete 9 disk set (360K) that   ■will allow you to evaluate these         ■optimised versions of the program.       ■Note! - Not available via credit card    ■through Public software Library (PsL).   ■----------->  End Versions  <------------■U⌠┐┤╛¼ΦL⌠â>▓tΘÄ┐Ä ╛╕Φ9⌠h╕Üt╧(ï°╛╝             * Disclaimer *      (Pg 156)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■Birdseye Software hereby disclaims all   ■warranties relating to this software,    ■whether express or implied, including    ■without limitation any implied warranties■of merchantability or fitness for a      ■particular purpose.  Birdseye Software   ■will not be liable for any special,      ■incidental, indirect or similar damages  ■due to loss of data or any other reason, ■even if Birdseye Software or an agent of ■Birdseye Software has been advised of the■possibilities of such damages.  In no    ■event shall Birdseye Software's liability■for any damages ever exceed the price    ■paid for the license to use the software ■rgardless of the form of the claim.  The ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■π≡h·Üu(╟■hhΣh■Ükö6Ü┘t(ÜÅΦ?Ü3             * Disclaimer *      (Pg 157)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■person using the software bears all risk ■as to the quality and performance of the ■software.                                ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■---------->  End Disclaimer  <-----------■Üu(╟"h─h>h"Ükö6╕óPÜ»Φ?Ü┘vΦ?         * Common Error Codes *  (Pg 158)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■The program may return an error code from■time to time.  These are the most common ■codes and their meaning.                 ■-----------------------------------------■Error |          Meaning                 ■  #   |                                  ■-----------------------------------------■  5   | Normally this means that the     ■      | computer does not have enough    ■      | free RAM to carry out the intend-■      | ed operation.  This is a fatal   ■      | error.  Make certain that the    ■      | system has at least 46200 bytes  ■      | available in the {File}[DOSComs] ■      | <MemLeft> command.  Report any   ■      | other circumstances.             ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ PÜ»Φ?Θ)hJh"Ü∞$Φ?tΘΘhJh"Ü∞$Φ?t         * Common Error Codes *  (Pg 159)■-----------------------------------------■Error|          Meaning                  ■  #  |                                   ■-----------------------------------------■ 6,7 | The computer does not have enough ■     | memory to load the program.       ■     | Order the overlay version of      ■     | PrintCADD 3-D if you have expanded■     | memory. Fatal.                    ■ 24  | Device timeout - Normally the     ■     | printer or plotter is not on-line.■     | Normally not fatal.               ■ 25  | Device Fault - Problem with       ■     | printer or plotter. Normally not  ■     | fatal.                            ■ 52  | Bad filename - check DOS manual   ■     | for valid filenames.  Normally not■     | fatal.                            ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■ô
  24. Φ?í&@ú&íè;&}αí(@ú(íê;(}─╕  PÜ         * Common Error Codes *  (Pg 160)■-----------------------------------------■Error|           Meaning                 ■  #  |                                   ■-----------------------------------------■ 53  | File not found - Indicates missing■     | PRCAD.HLP or PRTUTOR.HLP file.    ■     | Normally not fatal.               ■ 61  | Disk full - While the system      ■     | usually warns of a disk that is   ■     | approaching capacity, this may    ■     | happen if a very large plotter    ■     | file is produced.  Fatal          ■ 64  | Bad Filename - see 52             ■ 76  | Path not found - Indicates that   ■     | the user has used an invalid      ■     | directory for the [Optimise] or   ■     | [Directry] commands. Normally not ■     | fatal.                            ■------>  End Common Error Codes  <-------■Θ5 p
  25. ┐£#ìv╠ΦπP3└Pïp
  26. ╤π╤π╤π╤π╛b\
  27. ÄD              * Plotting *       (Pg 161)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■  At the current time, PrintCADD 3-D     ■supports only HPGL (*) compatible print- ■ers and plotters.  The interface has been■designed so as to allow the user to build■their own plot drivers.  In this manner  ■the user can design specific drivers for ■specific tasks.  Birdseye Software would ■appreciate feedback on user designed and ■tested drivers.                          ■  After the user has selected {Plot} from■the [Output] menu, the program will dis- ■play the menu, "< Port > = Lpt1          ■< MirrorX > = 0 < MirrorY > = 0          ■< MakeDriver > < Plot >".  The commands  ■and their purposes are discussed in the  ■following pages.                         ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■è┬$└óNp└t┘s  ▌jr╫Φ5δ     ßjr╠Φ\  jΦ½t└              * Plotting *       (Pg 162)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■< Port > - This command allows the user  ■to specify where the output is to be     ■directed.  When this command is selected ■the system will cycle through printer    ■ports, Lpt1 to Lpt3; serial ports, Com1  ■to Com4 and then "File".  If the user    ■selects one of the serial ports, then the■user must set the communications port    ■parameters via the DOS, "Mode" command   ■before entering PrintCADD 3-D.  If the   ■user selects the "File" option, then the ■system will prompt for a filename and    ■redirect output to this file when the    ■<Plot> command is selected.              ■< MirrorX > and < MirrorY > - These      ■commands flip the plot along the X and Y ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■├P    ;mXrí m├▓â>Lmt!â.Lm    íHmΦ▌ ï≡ⁿ¡P¡              * Plotting *       (Pg 163)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■axes.  Thus if <MirrorX> is selected,    ■then the plot is transformed so that the ■left side of the window is on the right  ■of the plot and if <MirrorY> is selected,■then the plotter plots the top of the    ■window at the bottom of the plot paper.  ■< Make Driver > - This command allows the■user to construct plot drivers.  The     ■system will prompt the user on various   ■aspects of the plotter.  The prompts and ■the appropriate responses are discussed  ■below.                                   ■                                         ■Initialization codes > The user should   ■type in a string of characters that      ■initialize the plotter.  Normally the    ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■█t:^u  vÉΦ+ΘáΘ~    ╛èpït ÷t69Lu⌠3└ëD              * Plotting *       (Pg 164)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■the first code is "IN;".  This code is   ■the HPGL initialize plotter code.  It    ■might be followed by "RO90;" which would ■rotate the plot by 90 degrees thus giving■a landscape plot.  In some cases the user■might wish to precede the "IN;" code by  ■an "Escape" sequence that selects HPGL   ■mode.  Escape codes can be entered into  ■the initialization string by using the   ■"Alt" key in conjunction with the numeric■keypad ie "Alt" 27 would be the same as  ■"Escape".  "Ctrl [", (^[), would produce ■the same effect.  In either case the     ■program would show "" which denotes     ■"Escape" in ASCII.  By experimentation,  ■the user should be able to set up windows■------------->  More Down  <-------------■╟▓l  ╞Çp├W┐¿líït½ô½íñt½íªt½íót½_├V╛¿l              * Plotting *       (Pg 165)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■, invoke macros or other useful features.■Finish codes >  The user may enter codes ■that will be sent to the plotter at the  ■end of a plot.  These codes might do a   ■page feed or set the plotter back to the ■state before initialization.             ■Plot width >  This allows the user to set■the width of the plot.  This number is   ■parsed in terms of the current [Units]   ■setting. ie 8" would set an 8" wide plot ■Plot length >  This allows the user to   ■set the length of the plot.  This number ■is parsed in terms of the current [Units]■setting.                                 ■Step size >  This is the step size in    ■termsof HPGL.  It is normally .001 inches■------------->  More Down  <-------------■■µlï├[├╕
  28. Φ²≡3└δáµl$°@óµlδσâ>¬tt:6ü              * Plotting *       (Pg 166)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■Number of pens (1-15) >  The user must   ■tell the program the maximum number of   ■pens that the plotter may use.  Any      ■colors in the drawing that exceed this   ■number will be remapped to the highest   ■available pen number.                    ■Number of styles (1-15) >  The user must ■tell the program the maximum number of   ■line styles that the plotter may use.    ■Styles in the drawing that exceed this   ■number will be remapped to the highest   ■available style number.  Remember that on■HPGL laser printers that their are       ■actually 7 styles ie ST; and ST1; to ST6;■ST0; is not supported.                   ■Name for driver file >  The user must    ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■âtu    Uï∞ï▌δδWï┘π≤ï;âtu⌠SSΦ τΦ┤ΓΦY╙ΦÿéÜh              * Plotting *       (Pg 167)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■enter the filename that they would like  ■to remember the driver by.  Use standard ■Dos conventions for naming the file.  The■program will append the extension, ".PLD"■to the name.                             ■< Plot > - This command will Prompt the  ■user to select a plotter driver from a   ■list menu.  If the user has set <Port> to■"File", the program will prompt the user ■for a filename.  The system will append  ■the extension ".HPG" to the filename     ■before saving the plot file.  The program■will scale the plot so that the width of ■the window exactly fits the defined width■of the paper in the driver.  Use the     ■{ZoomScale} command for scaled plots.    ■----------->  End Plotting  <------------■╗ärΦSï■Φ─[;┴s3└δ+ü√äruOδ SQïGGï]             * Trademarks *      (Pg 168)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■Several trademarks and/or service marks  ■appear in this help file.  The companies ■listed below are the owners of these     ■trademarks and/or service marks.         ■                                         ■International Business Machines          ■Corporation: I.B.M.                      ■                                         ■Microsoft Corporation: Microsoft         ■                                         ■Epson Corporation: Epson                 ■                                         ■Hewlett Packard Company: H.P., H.P.G.L.  ■                                         ■Tandy Corporation: Tandy                 ■                                         ■---------->  End Trademarks  <-----------■h▐#3└PhO╕PÜÇìΦ?jjÜ.Φ?-â┌RPÜMΦ              * Addendum *       (Pg 169)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■Version 1.07 Revisions                   ■                                         ■1) More menu coloring options            ■2) Better directory handling             ■3) Better menu handling & shortcut keys  ■4) Remembers previous font               ■5) ucstoSurf command                     ■6) Automatic UCS spacing alinement       ■7) Ability to set the maximum size of    ■   groups. (Aim or Grup)                 ■8) Macro recording and playback          ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■---------->   End Addendum  <------------■Φ▄ÜìñΦ?ΘnÜ═Φ?PÜ"ìΦ?ï°╛D$Φ▄ï°ì╢| Φ≤█ìå              * Macros *         (Pg 170)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■The "F3" key can be pressed at any time  ■to record a macro.  A macro is simply a  ■series of keystrokes that is recorded and■then can be played back.  When the "F3"  ■key is pressed, the user will be asked   ■for the name of the macro.  Once the name■is entered, the system starts recording  ■the keystrokes.  When the "F3" key is    ■pressed again, the user will be presented■with a bracket menu that allows the user ■to terminate the recording or introduce a■timed execution of the keystrokes on     ■playback.                                ■The "F4" key can be pressed at any time  ■to display a list of macros.  Select one ■of the macros to execute it.             ■------------->  More Down  <-------------■tΘ'h@╕PÜRìΦ?PjÜcΦ?P3└Phl ╕PÜÇì              * Macros *         (Pg 171)■-----------------------------------------■Macros may also be started from the      ■command line in DOS.  To invoke the macro■simply type "Prcad macroname.mac". eg to ■start a macro called "Demo", type        ■"Prcad demo.mac".  In non registered     ■versions of PrintCADD 3-D the user must  ■press a key to get past the registration ■reminder screen before the macro will    ■execute.                                 ■                                         ■Hint: Use Alt F, Alt E, Alt O, Alt S or  ■Alt H at the beginning of the macro to   ■force the macro to start at the same     ■place each time.  Using the highlighted  ■letter of the command will work better   ■than using the arrow keys and "Enter" to ■invoke the command.                      ■------------>  End Macros  <-------------■ëVΣÜRìΦ?Pï^Σ\
  29. ÄDS╕PÜRìΦ?Ph¿$Ü9Φ?HPÜc                                 (Pg 172)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■ÜαΦ? v∞jÜBΦ?hÆ! v∞j j ÜjuΦ? v∞jjÜMΦ?                                 (Pg 173)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■PÜÇìΦ?╟ó╟T
  30. ╟R
  31.   ╟V
  32. ╟▐    ╟▄                                     (Pg 174)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■Fï≡ï â┴QjÜßjΦ?╛ÿ3█\
  33. ÄDSVjÜ'Φ?                                  (Pg 175)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■ΘUïv
  34. â<tΘJïF∞╤αAÜ&<═46N%═;^µ═=â~µ                                 (Pg 176)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■ìF▐Ph╩%Ü∞$Φ?tΘ╟r
  35. ÜìñΦ?Θ    Θ═5£═4                                 (Pg 177)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■╥xΦΦΩ■δ≈╪â╥≈┌Φ
  36. Φ∩■Φ]╩Φ┤ⁿ ╥t╕  ├                                 (Pg 178)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■∞Θq÷PïEΦ∞ïEΦ∞X├&÷D
  37. u3█Φ"rΦCCKï├├                                 (Pg 179)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                 (Pg 180)■-----------------------------------------■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■ * This demonstration was provided by: * ■▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░ **░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ *░░ *░░ *░ **░ **░░░▒■▒░ * *░░░░░ *░░░░░░ *░ * * * * * * * *░░▒■▒░ * *░░░░░░░░░░░░ *** *░░ * * * * * *░░▒■▒░ **░ * *░ * * *░░ *░ *░░ *** * * * *░░▒■▒░ *░░░ * * *░ * *░ *░ *░░ * * * * * *░░▒■▒░ *░░░ *░░ *░ * *░ *░ * * * * * * * *░░▒■▒░ *░░░ *░░ *░ * *░░ *░ *░ * * **░ **░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░░ **░░░░░░░░ ***░░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░ *░ *░░░░░░░ *░ *░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ *░░░░░░░ *░ *░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░ *░░░ **░░ *░ *░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ *░░░░░░░ *░ *░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░ *░ *░░░░░░░ *░ *░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░░ **░░░░░░░░ ***░░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒■▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒■ªkWü∙ÇrV3╥┘KåΦ¬båNX+╞╚ü∙Çr╣Ç≤ñæ¬^                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■═4F╝═5₧P ═=jjÜ.Φ?- â┌RPÜMΦ?jì₧X                                  (Pg 183)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■Ü?ö6Ü╓û(Ü═úΦ?╩Θⁿ6╣ε╗0ÜàúΦ?â>ótΘ                                 (Pg 184)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■SVÜb&Φ?íáPjÜßjΦ?╛ÿ3█\
  38. ÄDSVjÜ'Φ?                                 (Pg 185)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■FÆïFÆëFéâ~étΘ-ìFöP3└Ph¬    ╕
  39. PÜÇìΦ?┐D'ì                                 (Pg 186)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■PÜ▄Φ?ìFåP vÇj j ÜjuΦ? vÇ╗ó    Sj:Üy
  40. Φ? vÇ                                 (Pg 187)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■å ëû ïå6 ïû8 ëå ëû ïå. ïû0 ëåⁿ■ëû■■╟å·                                 (Pg 188)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■═5åP ═4"&═5₧Ω■═=═5å` ═4"&═5₧µ■═=╟åΣ■ìå                                 (Pg 189)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■4 ═:┴ïFhï≡═5═=┐l)ì╢è■Φºìåè■PÜt╧(ï°ì╢                                 (Pg 190)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■n■ú╚ïål■ú| ╟∞     vhPÜ≤ô╟∞    j ╢Ç■                                  (Pg 191)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■ÿ└uïN⌠ ╔u/XZìf·_^Åât] .╓pUï∞Θ ∩ärPÇ>çt                                 (Pg 192)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                 (Pg 193)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■ΦÄΦ?â╛╨■tΘÜÅΦ?Ü╓a Ü┘vΦ?ëåb■ìF«PܪΦ?                                 (Pg 194)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■å,■╕ΘÉ ╢b■ì₧<■SjÜô
  41. Φ?ïå*■@ëå*■ïå,■                                 (Pg 195)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■■╣í╘    Ö≈∙ëå ■ïF*ï≡ïΘ ╢b■ì₧L■Sj                                 (Pg 196)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■*ì╢α²Φù┐ε*ì╢Σ²Φù┐÷*ì╢▄²Φ∙ûìå▄²PÉΦü▒Θ÷╕                                 (Pg 197)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■ï°ì╢L■ΦÜôΘh╚    ╕PÜRìΦ?PܪΦ?PÜ├Φ?ï≡ì╛L                                 (Pg 198)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■FÆ@ëFÆïåt²;FÆ|Θ` ┐▄+ì╢p²ΦÉí¼ï«ëåû■ëûÿ                                 (Pg 199)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■+ì╢■Φ╖îí╘    -ëå,²3└Θ$É╟å■ ╢■ïå■FÆP                                 (Pg 200)■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■                                         ■å■ïå■%╤α╤αå■╣ïå■Ö≈∙╤α╤αå■² ╢■ïå■FÆPÜj*Φ?ëå■ïå■%å■╣ïå■Ö≈∙å■² ╢■Ü╨$Φ?ï°ì╢■Φ≡êï°ì╢■Φ▌ê ╢■²Ü╨$Φ?ï°ì╢■Φ╒êï°ì╢■Φ┬êïå■ëå■ïå²;å■|Θ├■ ╢b■ì₧■SjÜô
  42. Φ? ╢b■ì₧■SjÜô
  43. Φ?ïå■@ëå■ïå ²;å■|Θ_■ïå(²FÆëFÆâ╛(²|Θïå*²;FÆΘ¥²Θ ïå*²;FÆ|ΘIJΘïå@²@ëå@²ïåB²;å@²|Θ∙ïåD²@ëåD²ïåF²;åD²|Θ1∙h╩    ╕
  44. PÜRìΦ?PܪΦ?PÜ├Φ?ï°ì╢²Φεç ╢b■ì₧²SjÜô
  45. Φ? ╢b■jÜBΦ?h8╕╞P v╕╞PÜÇìΦ?ïFï≡╟ïåû■ïûÿ■ú¼ë«ïåÆ■ïûö■ú░ë▓ïåÄ■ïûÉ■ú┤ë╢ vÜ (ïF(ï≡ 4ïF*ï≡ 4ïF,ï≡ 4ïF.ï≡ 4j j jܼ+Φ?ïv t 4â╞ï▐ w 7ïFï╪ w 7ïF ï╪ w 7jÜûhΦ?╟╚╟| hPÜ≥ìôÜiΦ?ÜS,Φ?╕fHÜΦÄΦ?╕╖HÜΦÄΦ?ÜÅΦ?Θìå≥²Phⁿ+Ü∞$Φ?tΘ▄╟åz     ìåz Ph<ÉΦ┬íâ╛z tΘÜÅΦ?ïp
  46. ╤π╤π╤π╤π╛bï╙\
  47. ÄDS╕Pëû²ÜRìΦ?Pï₧²\
  48. ÄDS╕PÜRìΦ?Ph
  49. ,Ü9Φ?HPÜcΦ?ï°ì╢²ΦUåì╛²ìvåΦKå╕VÜΦÄΦ?â╛╨■tΘÜÅΦ?Ü┘vΦ?ëFÇìFåP vÇj j ÜjuΦ? vÇ╗ó    Sj:Üy
  50. Φ?jhÇ vÇÜτΦ?-:â┌RPÜ}Φ?ëå²ëû²jhÇ vÇÜτΦ?-:â┌RPÜéΦ?ëå²Ü┘vΦ?ëå ²ìF«PÜ├Φ?P ╢ ²j j ÜjuΦ?ïå²ïû²ëå²ëû
  51. ²╕ÖΘ6ÉhÇ vÇÜ⌠ Φ?ï°ì╢²Φà ╢ ²ì₧²SjÜô
  52. Φ?ïå²ïû²â╥ëå²ëû² ╢² ╢² ╢
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